Honors and Awards
Outstanding teaching award (shared with Prof. Wu, Su), Tsinghua University (2004)
Educational Background
School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'An Jiaotong University, 1997
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'An Jiaotong University, 1992
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Employment History
Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Associate Professor (12/02 –present)
Rwth Aachen University of Technology, Germany
Visiting Professor (11/01 – 1/02)
Coordinate the Sino-German Joint Masters Program
Review and reappraisal of the Production Management, Quality Management course
1. Undergraduate
Facilities Planning (60 students in Spring 2001; 30 students in Fall 2002; 30 students in Spring 2003; 85 students in Spring 2004; 60 students in Spring 2005; 40 students in Spring 2006)
Distribution System Planning (20 students in Spring 2006)
2. Graduate
Facilities Planning (18 students in Spring 2001; 20 students in Spring 2002; 15 students in Spring 2003; 20 students in Spring 2004; 15 students in Spring 2005)
Distribution System Modeling (20 students in Spring 2006)
Advanced Logistics Engineering (19 students in Spring 2006)
System Simulation(11 students in Spring 2004;5 students in Spring 2005)
Quality Management(30 students in Spring 2004;29 students in Spring 2004)
Research Interests
Supply Chain Logistics Management
Logistics Engineering
Reverse Logistics Management
Distribution System Planning
Research Projects
1. Reverse Logistics Management
Optimization of the collection of the separated municipal solid waste (1/02-12/05), supported by NSFC
Cai, Linning (PI), Zheng, Li(Co-PI), Dan Zh. G.(PhD) and Lv Xinfu (Master)
The objective of this project is to investigate the location-routing problem in separated municipal solid waste.
2. Distribution System Planning
SINO-Chem Fertilizer Supply Chain Design (5/06-12/06), supported by SINO-Chem
Cai, Linning (PI), Cui Chunhua(Co-PI), Wangtao (Master) and Shi Ning (Master)
The objective of this project is to design the supply chain logistics system for SINO-Chem, a Chinese largest fertilizer company listed in the Fortune 500 for several years. The objective is the supply chain robust and the cost.
Tobacco Distribution System Planning, supported by Nan Ning City (5/02-12/02)
Cai, Linning (PI), Yu Hai (Master) and Cao Hui (Master)
The objective of this project is to design the distribution system for a Chinese Tobacco Company. With the new system, the routing and the management policy, the company decrease distribution cost by 30%.
3. Logistics management in E-business
Logistics Information System in E-business (1/03 – 12/03), supported by Beijing Government
Zheng Li (PI), Cai Linning, Zhao X.B., Wu Su (Co-PI), Dan, Zh.G. (PhD) and Yu H. (Master)
The purpose of this project is to build a information platform for the logistics management.
Logistics Information System
Zheng Li (PI), Cai Linning, Zhang Zh.H., Wang X.F. (Co-PI), Dan, Zh.G. (PhD), Gao Song(Master)
The purpose of this project is to build a information platform for the logistics scheduling.
Journal Papers
Dan Zheng-gang, CAI Linning, DU Lili, Zheng Li (2006) ,Load balancing of vehicle routing problem, Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology) , (to be published). ( in Chinese)
Danzhenggang Cailinning Lvxinfu Zhengli (2006), Small Cycle Heuristics of CARP, J. of system engineering, ( to be published). ( in Chinese)
DAN Zheng-gang; CAI Lin-ning; YUE Xiu-jiang; ZHENG Li(2006), Simulation study of sorting system, Manufacturing Automation, 28(4):61-64( in Chinese)
Lv Xin-fu; CAI Lin-ning; QU Zhi-wei(2005), The Location-Routing Problem in the Municipal Solid Waste Logistics System, Systems Engineering-theory & Practice,25(5):89-94( in Chinese)
Qv Zhiwei , Cai Linning ,Li Chen , Zheng Li (2004). Solution framework for the large scale vechicle delivery collection problem. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 44(5):581 - 585. ( in Chinese)
Cai Linning, Lv Xinfu(2002), Risk decision on energy recovery system from catalytic cracking flue gas, Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering(China),53(3):307-309( in Chinese)
Selected Conference Proceedings
Yu, H. and L. N. Cai (2004). The distribution network planning using Geographic Information System (GIS). Shaping Business Strategy in a Networked World, Vols 1 and 2, Proceedings. J. Chen: 190-192.
Cai, L. N., L. L. Du, et al. (2001). An improved heuristic algorithm for the assembly line balancing problem. New Trends of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management in New Century: 276-279.
Cai, L. N., X. F. Lv, et al. (2001). Web-based simulation on the assembly tolerance. New Trends of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management in New Century: 272-275.
Cai Linning (2003) Logistics system planning (in Chinese), Beijing: China Machine Press.
Cai Linning (2006) Logistics system planning ( in Chinese) , Beijing: Tsinghua University Press
Cai Linning (2006) Manufacturing facilities design and material handling ( translation from F.E. Meyers, Matthew P. Stenphens), Beijing: Tsinghua University Press
Professional Affiliations and Activities
1. Conference
Deputy Chair of Scientific Program Board, IEA2009, the 17th World Congress on Ergonomics, Beijing, China, August 9-12. (2009)
Invited keynote speaker at the Olympic Logistics Symposium, 2005
2. Social Organization