


  • 姓名:成晔

  • 办公电话: +86-10-6278-4548

  • 邮箱:chengye@tsinghua.edu.cn

  • 传真号码:+86-10-6279-4399

  • 地点:清华大学舜德楼北503室

  • 教师主页:




Production Systems

 Production Planning and Control

 Operations Scheduling

 Logistics for Production

 Digital Manufacturing

 Product Development Management


Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1992

 Doctor of Philosophy in Manufacturing Engineering

Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1988

 Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering

Department of Precision Instruments, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1985

 Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

 Associate Professor (2001.10 - present)

Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

 Associate Professor (1994.12 - 2001.9)

 Assistant Professor (1992.4 - 1994.11)

Metz Center, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France

 Visiting Professor (2011.1-2011.2)

 Research on manufacturing process analysis and production management

Visiting Professor (2007.1-2007.2)

 Research on production management and lean production system

Laboratory of Machine Tool and Production Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

 Visiting Professor (2004.10 - 2004.12)

 Review and reappraisal of the Production Management course in the Sino-German Joint Masters Program

 Joint research in Collaborative Manufacturing of Tools, Dies and Moulds in Germany and China)

Laboratory of Precision and Intelligence, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

 Visiting Scholar (1997.8-1998.10)

 Research on virtual coordinate measuring machine


1. 本科生课程

Production Planning and Control (27 students in Spring 2003; 85 students in Spring 2004; 68 students in Spring 2005; 40 students in Spring 2006; 21students in Spring 2007; 36 students in Spring 2008; 48 students in Spring 2009; 59 students in Spring 2010; 69 students in Spring 2011; 75 students in Spring 2012; 63 students in Spring 2013; 67 students in Spring 2014; 71 students in Spring 2015; 71 students in Spring 2016; 49 students in Spring 2017; 48 students in Fall 2017; 40students in Fall 2018)

Junior Year Practicum in Industrial Engineering (27 students in Summer 2003; 85 students in Summer 2004; 68 students in Summer 2005; 56 students in Summer 2006; 67 students in Summer 2007; 66 students in Summer 2008; 66 students in Summer 2009; 71 students in Summer 2010; 69 students in Summer 2011; 71 students in Summer 2012; 64 students in Summer 2013; 64 students in Summer 2014; 70 students in Summer 2015; 68 students in Summer 2016; 61 students in Summer 2017; 53 students in Summer 2018)

Modeling and Simulation (29 students in Fall 2002; 27 students in Fall 2003; 85 students in Spring 2004; 68 students in Spring 2005; 59 students in Fall 2005; 69 students in Fall 2006; 62 students in Fall 2007; 69 students in Fall 2008; 75 students in Fall 2009)

Industrial Engineering Project (69 students in Fall 2012; 63 students in Fall 2013; 66 students in Fall 2014; 71 students in Fall 2015; 67 students in Fall 2016; 61 students in Fall 2017; 54 students in Fall 2018)

Introduction to Industrial Production Management (10 students in Fall 2014; 42 students in Spring 2015; 75 students in Fall 2015; 53 students in Spring 2016; 70 students in Fall 2016; 24 students in Fall 2017; 60 students in Fall 2018)

Introduction to Engineering and Manufacturing Management (17 students in Spring 2017)

Introduction to Manufacturing Engineering (78 students in Spring 2009)

Enterprise Production and Logistics Management (28 students in Fall 2008)

Project Management (60students in Spring 1997)

Manufacturing Principle and Process (58 students in Spring 1994 ; 62 students in Spring 1996)

Manufacturing Process Design Project (15 students in Fall 1994 ; 15 students in Fall 1995)

2. 研究生课程

Production Management (41 students in Fall 2004; 46 students in Fall 2005; 32 students in Fall 2006; 41 students in Fall 2007; 43 students in Fall 2008; 47 students in Fall 2009; 53 students in Fall 2010; 70 students in Fall 2011; 47 students in Fall 2012; 53 students in Fall 2013; 50 students in Fall 2014; 49 students in Fall 2015; 66 students in Fall 2016; 82 students in Fall 2017; 10 students in Spring 2018)

Systematic Product Design and Development (30 students in Fall 2012; 25 students in Fall 2013; 28 students in Fall 2014; 31 students in Fall 2015; 33 students in Fall 2016; 48 students in Fall 2017; 22 students in Fall 2018)

Production Management II (4 students in Spring 2005; 10 students in Spring 2006; 11 students in Spring 2007; 15 students in Spring 2008; 27 students in Spring 2009)

Production and Operations Management [20 students in Spring 2003; 15 students in Spring 2005; 65 students in Fall 2005; 14 students (Class-A) in Fall 2006; 60 students (Class-B) in Fall 2006; 30 students (Class-C) in Fall 2006; 70 students in Fall 2007; 8 students in Spring 2009; 80 students in Fall 2009; 21 students (Class-A) in Fall 2010; 30 students (Class-B) in Fall 2010; 12 students (Class-A) in Fall 2011; 35 students (Class-B) in Fall 2011; 40 students (Class-C) in Fall 2011; 40 students in Summer 2012; 32 students in Spring 2013; 29 students in Summer 2013; 28 students (Class-A) in Spring 2014; 29 students (Class-B) in Spring 2014; 20 students (Class-C) in Spring 2014; 14 students (Class-A) in Spring 2015; 45 students (Class-B) in Spring 2015; 35 students in Spring 2016]

Lean Operations and Continuous Improvement [61 students in Fall 2013; 48 students (Class-A) in Spring 2014; 48 students (Class-B) in Spring 2014; 33 students (Class-A) in Fall 2015; 32 students (Class-B) in Fall 2015; 44 students in Spring 2016; 24 students in Fall 2017; 33 students in Spring 2018; 30 students in Fall 2018]

Industrial Engineering Ethics (29 students in Spring 2015; 36 students in Fall 2015; 34 students in Spring 2016; 38 students in Fall 2016; 19 students in Spring 2017; 38 students in Fall 2017; 41 students in Fall 2018)

Global Operations Management 2 (28 students in Fall 2013; 37 students in Spring 2014; 42 students in Fall 2015; 37 students in Fall 2016; 43 students in Fall 2017)

System Simulation and Its Applications (30 students in Fall 2006; 86 students in Fall 2008; 58 students in Spring 2010)

Manufacturing Technology I (36 students in Fall 2006; 22 students in Fall 2007; 36 students in Fall 2008)

Product Development Management (34 students in Fall 2017)

3. 网络在线课程

Production Planning and Control (3250 students in Spring 2017; 3280 students in Fall 2017; 6442 students in Spring 2018; 398 students in Fall 2018; 4696 students in Free-Mode since Spring 2017)

Systematic Product Design and Development (3553 students in Spring 2018; 441 students in Fall 2018)


  • Scheduling Algorithm for Production Planning of Aero-Engine Assembly and Testing, Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Ltd., 2016.1-2016.12, Co-PI

  • Lean Construction for High-Speed Railway Tunnels, Shanghai Railway Bureau and China Railway Tunnel Corp. Ltd., 2013.7-2015.3, PI

  • Research of Siemens Smart Factory and Operations Improvement, Siemens Ltd. (China), 2013.7-2015.3, PI

  • Aggregate Planning for Operational Labor Resources, China Academy of Space Technology, 2012.4-2013.1, PI

  • Analysis of Production System for Multi-Layer Parts, China Academy of Space Technology, 2011.9-2012.12, PI

  • Scheduling Program Development for Multi-Layer Parts Production, China Academy of Space Technology, 2011.9-2012.12, PI

  • Development of Critical Chain High Speed Detecting Technique for Large Scale Process Simulation, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, 2011.9-2012.3, PI

  • Development of Automatic Nesting Algorithm, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, 2011.9-2012.3, PI

  • Systematic IE applications in footwear industry, Huajian Shoes, 2009.4-2011.12, PI

  • Development of Material Stock Scheduling Optimization Technique for Construction Works Planning, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, 2010.9-2011.3, PI

  • Development of Optimization Algorithm for Stock Areas Considering Material Handling Sequence, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, 2009.9-2010.3, PI

  • Lean/Smart Automation, Siemens, 2008.5-2010.5, PI

  • Development of Spatial Planning in Large Manufacturing Systems, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, 2008.9-2009.3, PI

  • Development of Scheduling Engine for Large Assembly Industrial Products (2nd Phase), Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, 2007.9-2008.3, Co-PI

  • Process Control for Diamond Cutting, Qingdao Jinghua Diamond Corp. Ltd., 2006.7-2007.12, PI

  • Development of Scheduling Engine for Large Assembly Industrial Products, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, 2006.9-2007.3, Co-PI

  • Torque Sensing Wrench and Data Analysis System, Caterpillar, 2005.5-2006.3, PI

  • Quality Improvement of Auto-Body, Jinbei Auto Corp. Ltd., 2001.7-2002.12, PI

  • Quality Control System for Final Assembly Line, Jinbei Auto Corp. Ltd., 2000.9-2002.12, PI

  • Planning and Optimization of Final Assembly Process for Automobiles, Tsinghua University, 2000.7-2002.6, PI

  • Virtual Polishing of Die Surfaces, Tsinghua University, 2000.7-2002.6, PI

  • Investigations on FEM Virtual Coordinate Measuring Machine for Dynamic Error of Fast Probing, Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2000.1-2001.12, PI

  • Virtual Lapping and Polishing for Free-form Surface, Ministry of Education, 2000.1-2001.12, PI


  • National Teaching Achievement Award, by Ministry of Education, first prize, No.3, 2014

  • Award of Outstanding Faculty Member in Teaching and Cultivating, by Tsinghua University, 2013

  • High-Education Teaching Achievement Award, by Beijing Municipal Government, first prize, No.3, 2012

  • Teaching Achievement Award, by Tsinghua University, grand prize, No.3, 2012

  • Teaching Achievement Award, by Tsinghua University, second prize, No.2, 2012

  • Tsinghua Excellent Course Award, No.1, 2012

  • Supervision Award of Contributions in Laboratory Construction by Students, by Tsinghua University, first prize, No.1, 2012

  • Award of My Most Favorite Faculty Member, voted by undergraduate students, by Tsinghua University, 2009

  • Award of Innovations in Curriculum, by IIE, No.4, 2007

  • Teaching Achievement Award, by Tsinghua University, first prize, No.3, 2006

  • Laboratory Technology Achievement Award, by Tsinghua University, second prize, No.1, 2006

  • Tsinghua Excellent Faculty Member Award, by Tsinghua University, 2005

  • Best Supervisor Award, voted by graduate students, by Tsinghua University, 2005 and 2004

  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Scholarship , by DAAD, 2004

  • Tsinghua Excellent Team Award, by Tsinghua University, No.5, 2004

  • Teaching Achievement Award, by Tsinghua University, second prize, No.4, 2004

  • Award of Excellent Adviser of Student’s Class, by Tsinghua University, 2003

  • High-Education Teaching Achievement Award, by Beijing Municipal Government, second prize, No.4, 2001

  • Science & Technology Award of Chinese Universities and Colleges, by Ministry of Education, first prize, No.5, 2001



Member of Organization Committee, Session Chairman, IDMME - Virtual Concept 2008, Beijing, China, October 8-10, 2008.

Academic Organization

Senior member, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society

General Secretary, 2001-2005, Committee of Production System, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society



    1. Ye Cheng and Dan Zhang (2011). “Assembly Line with Flexible Workstation Boundaries.” Journal of Tsinghua University 51(2): 255-260. (In Chinese, EI: 20111813953270)

    2. Chao Ding, Ye Cheng and Miao He (2007). “Two-Level Genetic Algorithm for Clustered Traveling Salesman Problem with Application in Large-Scale TSPs.” Tsinghua Science and Technology 12(4): 459-465. (In English, EI: 20073010709749)

    3. Ming Yin and Ye Cheng (2007). “Scanning Path Generation Algorithms for Automatic Polishing of Free-Form Surface upon Convex Domain.” Journal of Tsinghua University 47(5): 1452-1455. (In Chinese, EI: 20072810697479)

    4. Shengdong Wang, Ye Cheng and Ming Yu (2006). “Simulation of Dynamic Scheduling of Locomotives for Passenger Transportation.” Railway Transportation and Economics 28(7): 70-72. (In Chinese)

    5. Na Liang, Ye Cheng and Ben Zhao (2006). “Research on Fast and Automated Process Planning of Automobile Final Assembly.” Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 12(6): 857-861. (In Chinese, EI: 20063510092484)

    6. Zhansheng Zhang and Ye Cheng (2005). “Study on the Design of Robotized Reconfigurable Fixture for Auto-Body Welding.” Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool 2005(10): 101-104. (In Chinese)

    7. Li Li, Ye Cheng and Shouhua Yuan (2005). “MES Based Information System for Manufacturing Shop Floor.” Machinery Manufacturing Engineer 2005(4): 130-132. (In Chinese)

    8. Li Li, Ye Cheng and Shouhua Yuan (2005). “Research on Priority Scheduling Algorithm Based on Bottleneck Analysis.” Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 11(2): 247-250. (In Chinese, EI: 2005169051597)

    9. Ben Zhao, Ye Cheng, Bopeng Zhang and Hengyu Zhao (2004). “Effects of Automobile Functional Restraint on Final Assembly Process Planning.” Mechanical Science and Technology 23(5): 539-604. (In Chinese)

    10. Li Li, Ye Cheng and Shouhua Yuan (2004). “Study on the Application of MES-Based Information System for the Telecom Cable Production.” Electric Wire & Cable 2004(4): 9-15. (In Chinese)

    11. Shibo Hu and Ye Cheng (2004). “Rapid CNC Polishing for Die Surface.” Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool 2004(5): 44-46. (In Chinese)

    12. Jiping Yan, Ye Cheng and Beihua Ye (2003). “Dynamic Errors of Virtual-CMM in Fast Probing.” China Mechanical Engineering 14(13): 1136-1120. (In Chinese, EI: 2003347606467)

    13. Ben Zhao, Ye Cheng and Bopeng Zhang (2003). “Automobile Final Assembly Sequence Planning Based on the Partition and Layer Method.” Journal of Tsinghua University 43(11): 1452-1455. (In Chinese, EI: 2004148103113)

    14. Jiping Yan, Ye Cheng, Beihua Ye and Haijing Hu (2003). “Automatic Modeling Technology for Virtual CMM.” Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool 2003(8): 27-29. (In Chinese)

    15. Thong Ngee Goh, Min Xie, Ye Cheng and Li Zheng (2003). “Improving the Six Sigma Paradigm.” Industrial Engineering and Management 2003(5): 1-6. (In Chinese)

    16. Ben Zhao, Ye Cheng, Kun Wang and Bopeng Zhang (2003). “Design of Simulation System for Assembly Process Planning of Sedan Production Line.” Journal of System Simulation 15(2): 198-201. (In Chinese, EI: 2003147427325)

    17. Minbo Li, Ye Cheng and Ben Zhao (2002). “Collaborative Application Platform for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise.” Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 8(10): 762-765. (In Chinese, EI: 2003027311478)

    18. Haijing Hu, Ye Cheng, Beihua Ye and Changzhi Wang (2002). “Calculating and Analyzing Dynamic Error of Coordinate Measuring Machine for Rapid Detection.” Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool 2002(9): 36-38. (In Chinese)

    19. Qingsong Yu, Ye Cheng and Shibo Hu (2002). “Research on CNC Lapping and Polishing Technology for Die & Mold’s Profiles.” Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool 2002(8): 44-45. (In Chinese)

    20. Ben Zhao, Ye Cheng and Kun Wang (2002). “Constant Torque Wrench Which Can Record Fastening Information.” Tool Engineering 36(7): 31-33. (In Chinese)

    21. Hongjie Jiao, Huiyu Xiang and Ye Cheng (2002). “Study on the Surface Quality Measuring Method for Auto Panel Parts.” Automobile Science and Technology 2002(6): 37-40. (In Chinese)

    22. Hongjie Jiao, Huiyu Xiang, Ye Cheng and Kun Wang (2002). “The Development of Portable Car Body Contour Measuring Instrument.” Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering 31(6): 106-110. (In Chinese)

    23. Xianfa Yan, Beihua Ye, Ye Cheng and Jiaqiu Xu (2002). “Research and Development of a Real-Time Terminal Display System in Automobile Final Assembly Line.” Machinery Design & Manufacture 2002(6): 32-34. (In Chinese)

    24. Ben Zhao, Ye Cheng, Kun Wang, Fang Ren, Kun Ma and Jian Fang (2002). “Design of Automobile Assembly Quality Control System with Wireless Remote Control Technology.” Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering 31(5): 79-81. (In Chinese)

    25. Jiping Yan, Ye Cheng, Beihua Ye, Haijing Hu and Ben Zhao (2002). “Automated Analyzing in Virtual Coordinate Measuring Machine.” Machinery Design & Manufacture 2002(5): 41-42. (In Chinese)

    26. Kun Wang, Ye Cheng, Ben Zhao, Na Liang, Hengyu Zhao and Yonghui Wang (2002). “Research on Task Planning System of Automobile Assembly Process Designing.” Machinery Design & Manufacture 2002(5): 21-22. (In Chinese)

    27. Ben Zhao, Ye Cheng and Kun Wang (2002). “Design of Signal Collection and Feedback Apparatus for Successful Fastening of Torque Wrench.” Measurement Technique 2002(5): 10-11. (In Chinese)

    28. Minbo Li, Ye Cheng, Bopeng Zhang and Fuzhi Cai (2001). “Web-Based Distributed Design Method of Fixture Scheme.” China Mechanical Engineering 12(9): 1011-1014. (In Chinese)

    29. Minbo Li, Ye Cheng, Ben Zhao and Bopeng Zhang (2001). “Agile Fixture Design System for Product Concurrent Design.” Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 7(8): 44-48. (In Chinese, EI: 2002096871533)

    30. Ben Zhao, Ye Cheng, Beihua Ye, Gang Xing, Fang Ren, Kun Ma and Jian Fang (2001). “The Design and Development of Real-Time Quality Statistic and Control System for Automobile Final Assembly Line.” Machinery Design & Manufacture, 2001(6): 26-27. (In Chinese)


    1. Ye Cheng and Li Zheng. New Rules for Running Production Lines in Shoemaking Industry. In: Manufacturing Productivity in China, Li Zheng, Simin Huang and Zhihai Zhang (ed.), Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.

    2. Ye Cheng. Quality Control System in Flexible Manufacturing System. In Peizhong Zhang (ed.) Flexible Manufacturing System, Beijing: Press of Machinery Industry, 1998. (In Chinese)

    3. Ye Cheng. Automation System in Mechanical Manufacturing. In Handbook of Mechanical Engineering (Second Edition), Press of Machinery Industry, China, 1997. (In Chinese)

    4. Ye Cheng. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System. In Zhengxin Yang (ed.) Integrated Mechanical-Electronic System, Beijing: Press of Science and Technology Literature, 1996. (In Chinese)