Advisor: Prof. Li, Yan-Fu
Interests: Degradation modeling and maintenance optimization of complex system; 2D/3D material anomaly monitoring.
Advisor: Prof. Li, Yan-Fu
Interests:Complex System Reliability; Industrial Internet of Things.
Advisor: Prof. Rau, Pei-Luen Patrick
Interests: Human factors engineering; Human-computer interaction; Fatigue mode.
Advisor: Prof. Lin, Qian
Interests: Neural networks theory, Large Language Models.
Advisor: Prof. Li, Yan-Fu
Interests:Statistical process control; Change point detection; Reliability analysis.
Advisor: Prof. Zhang, Wei
Interests:Driving safety and driving behavior; Human-computer interaction.
Advisor: Prof. Li, Yan-Fu
Interests: Condition monitoring and fault detection; Intelligent maintenance of CNC machine tools.
Advisor: Prof. Li, Zhi-Zhong
Interests: Human factors in complex systems; Human-computer interaction.
Advisor: Prof. Deng, Ke
Interests: Bayesian Analysis, Computational Statistics.
Advisor: Associate Pro. Liang, Zhenglin
Interests: Predictive Maintenance, System Reliability
Advisor: Prof. Wei Qi
Interests: Smart-city operations, data-driven optimization
Advisor: Prof. Zhang, Chen
Interests: Deep reinforcement learning, stackelberg game.
Advisor: Prof. Rau, Pei-Luen Patrick
Interests: Human factors, Human-computer interaction, Cognitive engineering, Situation awareness
Advisor: Prof. Rau, Pei-Luen Patrick
Interests: Human factors; Human-computer interaction; AI emotion; Cognitive neuroscience
Advisor: Prof. Li, Le-Fei
Interests: System of Systems Engineering;Digital Engineering;Decision-Making Method
Advisor: Prof. Zhang, Xinguo
Interests: System Engineering; Interoperability
Advisor: Prof. Li, Lefei
Interests: Optimal control; Adaptive dynamic programming; Deep reinforcement learning; Autonomous driving.
Advisor: Prof. Li, Zhizhong
Interests: Mental Workload analysis; Human System Integration; Module-Based Systems Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Li, Yan-Fu
Interests: Reliability Engineering; Approximation Alogorithms; Stochastic Programming; Convex Programming; Random Graph Theory.
Advisor: Prof. Zhang, Chen
Interests: Statistical Inference; Deep Learning; Clustering.