
Institute of Operaations Research and Data Science

The overall research goal of Institute of Operations Research and Data Science is to make a profound impact at national/international level and to improve the prosperity of the nation through innovative applications of Operations Research and Data Science methods.

Faculty members are actively engaged in a variety of research projects that have been making important contributions to both the theory and practice of operations research and data science. The areas of research concentration include optimization methods, combinatorial optimization, queuing, behavioral operations research, stochastic programming, stochastic model, fuzzy theory, uncertainty theory, network design, logistics and supply chain, simulation, and intelligent transportation systems. These research directions reflect the interests and creativity of the faculty members and students.


Zhao, Xiaobo, Professor, Ph.D. (Nagoya Institute of Technology).

He is the area editor of Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, associate editor-in-chief of Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, editorial board of Industrial Engineering and Management (Chinese journal), and department editor of Operations Research and Management Science (Chinese journal). He is the vice president of Operations Research Society of China (ORSC).

Research interests: logistics and supply chain management (inventory, location, coordination, distribution, etc.), behavioral and service operations management (behavioral decision, queueing theory, game, etc.)

Huang, Siming, Professor, Ph.D. (State University of New York at Buffalo).

He is the associate editor of IIE Transactions, Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, the editorial board member of Industrial Engineering Journal (Chinese), and the executive council member of the China Society of Logistics. He has also provided advisory services for the Ministries of Chinese government, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Development Research Center of the State Council of China and Jiangsu Provincial Government. He won the Science and Technology Progress Award (First Prize) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1997.

Research Interests: stochastic models, logistics and supply chain management, manufacturing scheduling, risk management, safety and emergency management.

Shen, ZuoJun, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Ph.D. (Northwestern University).

He is the associate editor of the Operations Research, IISE Transactions, Naval Research Logistics, Omega – the International Journal of Management Science, senior editor of Production and Operations Management, and editorial board of International Journal of Inventory Research, Computers & Operations Research. He is the president of Production and Operations Management Society, the president of Facility Logistics of Information Transportation Science and Logistics Society, the vice president of China Logistics Society, member of data application expert committee of national hospital quality monitoring system, and INFORMS Fellow. He has been seleceted as the Franz Edelman Laureate.

Research Interests: supply chain system (planning, design, optimization, operation management and risk control), emergency supply chain, transportation optimization, etc.

Huang, Hongxuan, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Beihang University, formerly Beijing Institute of Aeronautics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics).

He is the editorial member Optimization Letters, and the member of the Discrete Event Simulation Committee of Chinese Association for System Simulation.

Research Interests: theory and algorithms for global optimization; modeling, methods and their applications in operations research; computer simulation and simulation optimization.

Jiang, Hai, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT).

He is the area editor of Computers and Industrial Engineering.

Research Interests: transportation and logistics system, customer behavior modeling, business intelligence.

Zhao, Lei, Associate professor, Ph.D., University of Arizona, United States.

He is the Associate Editor of Transportation Science, and the Editorial advisory board member of Logistics Research.

Research Interests: Stochastic optimization (approximate dynamic programming, stochastic programming, simulation optimization), large scale optimization, supply chain (risk) management, logistics management, city logistics, health care services and operations management.

Deng, Tianhu, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley), the director of the Institute of Operations Research and Data Science.

He is the Associate Editor of Omega - the International Journal of Management Science.

Research Interests: supply chain management, process flexibility design, natural gas pipeline transmission, approximate dynamic programming.

He, Fang, Associate Professor, Ph.D.(University of Florida, USA).

He is the editorial board of Transportation Research Part C: emerging technologies, the executive director of Higher Education Management Branch of China "double law" Research Association, the executive director of IEEE PES China Electric Vehicle Technical Committee, and the member of Transportation Management Research Committee of China Society of management science and engineering.

Research Interests: transportation network modelling and optimization, data-driven transportation management, sustainable transportation, integrated analysis and optimization of the coupled transportation and energy Systems, transportation economics, game theory.

Wang, Chen, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin Madison), associate director of the Institute of Operations Research and Data Science.

She is the editorial board of Decision Analysis.

Reasearch Interests: decision analysis, risk analysis, expert estimation, public safety.

Zhang, JunLong, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (North Carolina State University).

Research Interests: Stochastic optimization, bilevel programming, transportation optimization, logistics management.

Bai, XiWen, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore).

She is the associate editor of Maritime Policy & Management.

Research interests: shipping and port management, shipping economy, digital shipping.

Liu, JunYi, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (University of Southern California).

Research interests: stochastic optimization, data-driven decision models and algorithms, non convex and non smooth optimization.

Select journals we publish in

Annals of Operations Research

Computational Optimization and Applications

Computers & Industrial Engineering

Computers & Operations Research

Cybernetics and System Analysis

European Journal of Operations Research

Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

IEEE Intelligent Systems

IIE Transactions

International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering

International Journal of Production and Economics

International Journal of Production Research

International Journal of Systems Science

Journal of Global Optimization

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

Journal of Operations Research Society

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management

Mathematics of Operations Research

Naval Research Logistics

Operations Research

Operations Research Letters

Queueing Systems

Research Projects

Projects funded by National Science Foundation of china

Distinguished Young Scholar

-Operations Research and Management Science

Key projects

-Research on supply chain theory and method based on behavioral operations research

Regular and young investigator projects

-Research on periodic review inventory management for multiple stochastic demand classes

-Coordination of Order Pricing and Scheduling under MTO, funded by NSF China,

-Decision Making on Crude Purchasing and Transportation under Uncertainty, National Science Foundation of China,

-Parallel Service Management Study on Chain Retailing Industry

-Building resilience against supply risks in supply chain management: a stochastic programming approach

-Study on Optimization Problems Related to Protein Folding

-Research on a new mode of production management

-Discrete Choice Based Recommender Systems

Projects funded by Ministry of Education

-Integration of Facility Location and Sizing, funded by SRF for ROCS, SEM, China

-Study on Minimization Methods for Non-convex Functions

-Choice-based airline schedule design

Projects funded by domestic companies

-China Railway Container Transpiration Corporation: A Study on Container Management Model

-China Railway Tielong Container Logistics Corporation: Service Capacity and Policy Study on Tielong Cold Chain Logistics

-Sinotrans Air Transportation Development Co. Ltd.: Local networks design in Beijing hub and its regional networks

-Sinotrans Air Transportation Development Co. Ltd.: Re-design the sorting center in Beijing hub

-COSCONET: Logistic planning in tobacco industry

-Sinopec Maoming Company: Risk control and optimization on Crude Purchasing and Transportation, September 2009-December 2010.

-Sinopec Maoming Company: Decision Making Model for Human Resource and Training Management

-Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science: Information Fusion, Integration and Computational Experiments on Urban Traffic;

-the Institute of Beijing Metro Design: Emergency resource allocation for Beijing metro system.

-Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corporation, Design and Research Institute: Passenger Management at Transfer Stations of Urban Rail Transit

-IBM Research – China: Carbon emission evaluation indicator system and decision support system for the China Railways

-Beijing Wuzi University: Warehouse and sorting information system design.

-Shandong Lvbang Tech. Company: Maintenance Network Planning for Gas Stations

-Study on Apartment Assignment Plan in Students Dormitory Management of Tsinghua University from the year of 2009 to 2011

-Study on Representative Data Selection, Statistical Modeling, Optimization and Algorithm Evaluation for Validations

-Study on Optimization Problems Related to Protein Folding

-Study on Minimization Methods for Non-convex Functions

-Study on Apartment Assignment Plan in Students Dormitory Management of Tsinghua University from the year of 2009 to 2011

-2009 Projects of Editing Excellent Textbooks for Beijing High Education Including Operations Research (Mathematical Programming)

-Study on Representative Data Selection, Statistical Modeling, Optimization and Algorithm Evaluation for Validations

Funded by Foreign Companies

-General Mills Operations, LLC (USA): Dynamic inventory management

-Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co. (Japan): Development of optimization solver for constrained traveling salesman and vehicle routing problems

-Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co. (Japan): Production plan modifying system: supply chain disruption management

-Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co. (Japan): Study on inventory management with shareable parts for multiple stochastic demand classes

-Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co. (Japan): Warehouse planning and inventory management

-Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co. (Japan): Automatic routing of piping layout

-Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co.(Japan): Spatial Scheduling in Large-scale Manufacturing System

-Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (The Netherlands): A simulation study on supply chain visibility in ocean container transportation (EU FP-7, INTEGRITY)


Government and Research Institutes

-National Development and Reform Commission

-State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC)

-Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic China (MIIT)

-Princeton University

-North Carolina State University

-Ohio State University at Columbus

-University of California, Berkeley

-Missouri University of Science and Technology

-Eindhoven University of Technology

-Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

-National Tsinghua University

-IBM China Research Laboratory

-Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science

-Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

-Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corporation, Design and Research Institute

Domestic Corporations

-China Railway Tielong Container Logistics Co., Ltd

-China Railway Container Transpiration Corporation

-Sinotrans Air Transportation Development Co., Ltd.

-Sinopec Maoming Company

-COSCONET (Beijing) Co. Ltd.

International Corporations


-General Motor

-General Mills Operations, LLC (USA)

-Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co. (Japan)

Group Awards

2009 Projects of Editing Excellent Textbooks for Beijing High Education Including Operations Research (Mathematical Programming)

2007 IIE Innovations in Curriculum Award

2002 Secondary Award of China Mechanical Engineering Association


Huang, H., Operations Research: Mathematical Programming, Tsinghua Press, 2011.

Zhao, X. and S. Huang, Inventory Management, Tsinghua Press, 2008.

Huang, H. and J. Han, Mathematical Programming, Tsinghua Press, 2006