(Name underline: student supervised by me; *: corresponding author; #: co-first author)
Liang, Z*. and Li, Y.F., 2023. Holistic Resilience and Reliability Measures for Cellular Telecommunication Networks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 237, p.109335.
Liang, Z*., Jiang, C., Sun, M., Xue, Z. and Li, Y.F., 2023. Resilience Analysis for Confronting the Spreading Risk of Contagious Diseases. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, p.109525.
Zeng, J. and Liang, Z*., 2023. A dynamic predictive maintenance approach using probabilistic deep learning for a fleet of multi-component systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, p.109456.
Guo, C. and Liang, Z*., 2022. A predictive Markov decision process for optimizing inspection and maintenance strategies of partially observable multi-state systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 226, p.108683.
Zeng, J. and Liang, Z*., 2022. A deep Gaussian process approach for predictive maintenance. IEEE Transactions on Reliability.
Zhao, X., Liang, Z*., Parlikad, A.K. and Xie, M., 2022. Performance-oriented risk evaluation and maintenance for multi-asset systems: A Bayesian perspective. IISE Transactions, 54(3), pp.251-270.
Liang, Z*., Xue, Z., Li, Y.F., Miao, D. and Lin, K., 2022. Resilience: A Pathway Towards High Service Reliability in Telecommunication Networks. Findings.
Guo, C. and Liang, Z*., 2021. Semi-Markovian Maintenance Optimization for Reinforced Concrete Enabled by a Synthesized Deterioration Model. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 71(4), pp.1577-1589.
Xu, J., Liang, Z*., Li, Y.F. and Wang, K., 2021. Generalized condition-based maintenance optimization for multi-component systems considering stochastic dependency and imperfect maintenance. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 211, p.107592.
Lu, Q., Parlikad, A.K., Woodall, P., Don Ranasinghe, G., Xie, X., Liang, Z., Konstantinou, E., Heaton, J. and Schooling, J., 2020. Developing a digital twin at building and city levels: Case study of West Cambridge campus. Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(3), p.05020004.
Liang, Z*., Liu, B., Xie, M. and Parlikad, A.K., 2020. Condition-based maintenance for long-life assets with exposure to operational and environmental risks. International Journal of Production Economics, 221, p.107482.
Liang, Z*. and Parlikad, A.K., 2020. Predictive group maintenance for multi-system multi-component networks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 195, p.106704.
Liu, B., Liang, Z., Parlikad, A.K., Xie, M. and Kuo, W., 2017. Condition-based maintenance for systems with aging and cumulative damage based on proportional hazards model. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 168, Pages 200-209, ISSN 0951-8320
Peng, B., Zhang, F., Liang, J., Ding, L., Liang, Z. and Wu, Q., 2019. Coordinated control strategy for the short-term frequency response of a DFIG-ES system based on wind speed zone classification and fuzzy logic control. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 107, pp.363-378.
Palau, A.S., Liang, Z., Lütgehetmann, D. and Parlikad, A.K., 2019. Collaborative prognostics in social asset networks. Future Generation Computer Systems, 92, pp.987-995.
Liang, Z*. and Parlikad, A., 2018. A Markovian model for power transformer maintenance. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 99, pp.175-182.
Mahani, K#., Liang, Z #., Parlikad, A.K. and Jafari, M.A., 2018. Joint optimization of operation and maintenance policies for solar-powered microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 10(2), pp.833-842.
Liang, Z*., Parlikad, A.K., Srinivasan, R. and Rasmekomen, N., 2017. On fault propagation in deterioration of multi-component systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 162, pp.72-80.
Liang, Z*. and Parlikad, A.K., 2015. A condition-based maintenance model for assets with accelerated deterioration due to fault propagation. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 64(3), pp.972-982.
Liang, Z. and Parlikad, A.K., 2015. A tiered modelling approach for condition-based maintenance of industrial assets with load sharing interaction and fault propagation. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 26(2), pp.125-144.