


  • 姓名:梁正霖

  • 办公电话: +86-10-6279-2376

  • 邮箱:zhenglinliang@tsinghua.edu.cn

  • 传真号码:+86-10-6279-4399

  • 地点:清华大学舜德楼南605

  • 教师主页:


梁正霖,博士毕业于剑桥大学,现任清华大学工业工程系副教授,博士生导师,清华大学质量与可靠性研究院院长助理,清华-华为联合实验室副主任。长期致力于系统可靠性、故障预测与健康管理、网络弹性、机器学习、数字孪生等方向的研究,以及将其应用于基础设施、电信网络、电网等系统,研究成果发表在IEEE Transactions on ReliabilityReliability Engineering & Systems SafetyIISE Transactions等可靠性领域与工业工程领域旗舰期刊。现任IEEE Transaction on Reliability副编与Journal of Systems and Software编委,获得Associate Fellow of The Higher Education Academy。

每年都有计划招收博士生与博后,欢迎自律并热爱科研、数学基础优秀、擅长编程的同学发送简历至 zhenglinliang@tsinghua.edu.cn












· 机器学习与大数据

· 可靠性工程与设备管理


· 科技人文研讨课


· 可靠性工程与风险管理


· 管理经济学


· 机器学习


· 梁正霖、李彦夫、白茜文,自由探索类国际工程管理硕士课程中国话案例与调研体系改革, 10 万

· 李彦夫、梁正霖, 数字化实验教学项目,2万


· 未央书院班主任

· 国际英文硕士项目工作组

· 工业工程系课程体系改革组


· 博士生4名(一名已毕业)


· 系统可靠性

· 故障预测与健康管理

· 网络弹性

· 风险分析

· 机器学习

· 数字孪生


(Name underline: student supervised by me; *: corresponding author; #: co-first author)

Liang, Z*. and Li, Y.F., 2023. Holistic Resilience and Reliability Measures for Cellular Telecommunication Networks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 237, p.109335.

Liang, Z*., Jiang, C., Sun, M., Xue, Z. and Li, Y.F., 2023. Resilience Analysis for Confronting the Spreading Risk of Contagious Diseases. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, p.109525.

Zeng, J. and Liang, Z*., 2023. A dynamic predictive maintenance approach using probabilistic deep learning for a fleet of multi-component systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, p.109456.

Guo, C. and Liang, Z*., 2022. A predictive Markov decision process for optimizing inspection and maintenance strategies of partially observable multi-state systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 226, p.108683.

Zeng, J. and Liang, Z*., 2022. A deep Gaussian process approach for predictive maintenance. IEEE Transactions on Reliability.

Zhao, X., Liang, Z*., Parlikad, A.K. and Xie, M., 2022. Performance-oriented risk evaluation and maintenance for multi-asset systems: A Bayesian perspective. IISE Transactions, 54(3), pp.251-270.

Liang, Z*., Xue, Z., Li, Y.F., Miao, D. and Lin, K., 2022. Resilience: A Pathway Towards High Service Reliability in Telecommunication Networks. Findings.

Guo, C. and Liang, Z*., 2021. Semi-Markovian Maintenance Optimization for Reinforced Concrete Enabled by a Synthesized Deterioration Model. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 71(4), pp.1577-1589.

Xu, J., Liang, Z*., Li, Y.F. and Wang, K., 2021. Generalized condition-based maintenance optimization for multi-component systems considering stochastic dependency and imperfect maintenance. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 211, p.107592.

Lu, Q., Parlikad, A.K., Woodall, P., Don Ranasinghe, G., Xie, X., Liang, Z., Konstantinou, E., Heaton, J. and Schooling, J., 2020. Developing a digital twin at building and city levels: Case study of West Cambridge campus. Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(3), p.05020004.

Liang, Z*., Liu, B., Xie, M. and Parlikad, A.K., 2020. Condition-based maintenance for long-life assets with exposure to operational and environmental risks. International Journal of Production Economics, 221, p.107482.

Liang, Z*. and Parlikad, A.K., 2020. Predictive group maintenance for multi-system multi-component networks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 195, p.106704.

Liu, B., Liang, Z., Parlikad, A.K., Xie, M. and Kuo, W., 2017. Condition-based maintenance for systems with aging and cumulative damage based on proportional hazards model. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 168, Pages 200-209, ISSN 0951-8320

Peng, B., Zhang, F., Liang, J., Ding, L., Liang, Z. and Wu, Q., 2019. Coordinated control strategy for the short-term frequency response of a DFIG-ES system based on wind speed zone classification and fuzzy logic control. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 107, pp.363-378.

Palau, A.S., Liang, Z., Lütgehetmann, D. and Parlikad, A.K., 2019. Collaborative prognostics in social asset networks. Future Generation Computer Systems, 92, pp.987-995.

Liang, Z*. and Parlikad, A., 2018. A Markovian model for power transformer maintenance. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 99, pp.175-182.

Mahani, K#., Liang, Z #., Parlikad, A.K. and Jafari, M.A., 2018. Joint optimization of operation and maintenance policies for solar-powered microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 10(2), pp.833-842.

Liang, Z*., Parlikad, A.K., Srinivasan, R. and Rasmekomen, N., 2017. On fault propagation in deterioration of multi-component systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 162, pp.72-80.

Liang, Z*. and Parlikad, A.K., 2015. A condition-based maintenance model for assets with accelerated deterioration due to fault propagation. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 64(3), pp.972-982.

Liang, Z. and Parlikad, A.K., 2015. A tiered modelling approach for condition-based maintenance of industrial assets with load sharing interaction and fault propagation. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 26(2), pp.125-144.


Liu, B., Liang, Z., Parlikad, A.K., Xie, M. and Kuo, W., 2020. Condition-based maintenance for systems with aging and cumulative damage based on proportional hazards model. Value Based and Intelligent Asset Management: Mastering the Asset Management Transformation in Industrial Plants and Infrastructures, pp.211-231.


Xue, Z. and Liang, Z*., 2022, December. Resilience Analysis under the Impact of Cell Failures in the Practical Telecommunication base Station Networks. In 2022 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security Companion (QRS-C) (pp. 778-779). IEEE.

Guo, C., Liang, Z*., Zeng, J., Song, M. and Xue, Z., 2021, December. A predictive Hidden semi-Markov Model for bridges subject to chloride-induced deterioration. In 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C) (pp. 751-756). IEEE.

Zeng, J., Liang, Z*., Guo, C., Song, M. and Xue, Z., 2021, December. A Gaussian Process Approach for Predictive Maintenance. In 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C) (pp. 745-750). IEEE.

Xue, Z., Liang, Z*., Song, M., Guo, C. and Zeng, J., 2021, December. Base station network alarm streams modeling and prediction based on Cox proportional hazard model and copula. In 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C) (pp. 767-772). IEEE.

Song, M., Liang, Z*., Xue, Z., Guo, C. and Zeng, J., 2021, December. Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Multi-state Stochastic Deterioration Assets Based on Phase-type Distributions. In 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C) (pp. 773-777). IEEE.

Guo, C. and Liang, Z*., 2021, October. A Semi-Markov Maintenance Model for Bridges Synthesizing with Four Types of Uncertainties. In 2021 Global Reliability and Prognostics and Health Management (PHM-Nanjing) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Parlikad, A.K. and Liang, Z., 2012. Condition Based Maintenance for Complex Engineering Assets: A Multi-Layered Modelling Approach. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 45(31), pp.73-78.



· 2020-现在:服务于网络宏观特性的智能化设施资产管理研究,课题项目类别:国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目

· 2021-2022:基于时空数据融合的大规模复杂网络弹性分析与优化,课题项目类别:系学科建设项目


· 2022-现在:智能互联系统的系统工程理论及应用,课题项目类别:国家自然科学基金-科学中心项目。

· 2020-现在:网络可靠性运维创新研究,课题项目类别:企事业单位委托项目-华为。

· 2020-现在:电信网络运维系统建模技术合作项目,课题项目类别:企事业单位委托项目-华为。

· 2020-现在:轮对智能维保体系规划,课题项目类别:企事业单位委托项目-智奇。

· 2018-2019:数字化英国建设(Digital Built Britain),课题项目类别:英国商业、能源和工业战略部项目。

· 2016-2018:智能化基础设施建设项目(Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction), 课题项目类别:英国工程与物理科学研究委员会、创新英国项目。

· 2016-2018:燃气轮机故障预测, 课题项目类别:企事业单位委托项目-西门子。

· 2015-2016:高速列车维修与管理,课题项目类别:企事业单位委托项目-日立。



· 清华大学质量与可靠性研究院院长助理

· 工业工程系科研管理与服务工作组

· IE论坛协调组

· 工业工程系暑期夏令营


· IEEE Reliability Society Beijing section Chapter Secretary

· 国际会议IEEE Software Quality, Reliability, and Security, 2020-2023 Workshop Co-Chair,2023 Program Committee

· 国际会议European Conference On Safety And Reliability, 2020 -2021 Committee Panel

· The 10th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance, Program Committee

· 国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学与工程学科青年基金项目交流会小组负责人兼主持人

· 十几相关领域国际期刊审稿人