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姓名:谢小磊 办公电话: +86-10-6278-2501 邮箱:xxie@tsinghua.edu.cn 传真号码:+86-10-6279-4399 地点:舜德楼南614室 教师主页:


谢小磊,清华大学工业工程系副教授。2014年美国威斯康星大学博士毕业,读博期间曾在Mayo Clinic的Center for Science of Healthcare Delivery从事住院病人紧急救助研究工作。研究方向包括医院运营管理,电子病历数据挖掘,和基于系统科学的政策分析。现任《IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering》等期刊副编,国家卫健委医院质量监测系统数据应用专家委员会委员,国家医保局DRG付费试点专家组成员。


IEEE高级会员 (2020年)
IISE服务系统工程杰出创新奖 (2020年)
IEEE机器人与自动化学会年度最佳新应用论文奖 (2020年)
清华大学校级考核优秀奖 (2020)
清华大学第36届“挑战杯”优秀指导教师 (2018)
清华大学优秀班主任二等奖 (2017)
清华大学系级考核优秀奖 (2016,2017)
北京市优秀人才资助计划 (2015)
临床科学决策会旅费奖金 (2015)
威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 Rea C & David H Gustafson 奖学金 (2013)
威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 (2012, 2013)
BP公司能源奖学金 (2011)    













  • "Stochastic Modeling and Data Analytics in Healthcare Delivery Systems". Edited by Jingshan Li, Nan Kong and Xiaolei Xie, World Scientific Publishing ISBN: 978-981-3220-84-3 (hardcover)



  1. Xie, X.*, Fan, Z., Zhong, X. (2021) “Appointment Capacity Planning With Overbookingfor Outpatient Clinics With Patient No-Shows,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Accepted.

  2. Gong, K., Lee, H. K., Yu, K., Xie, X., Li, J. (2021). “A Prediction and Interpretation Framework of Acute Kidney Injury in Critical Care,” Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 113, 103653.

  3. Li, X., Liu, D., Yang, M., Fry, M. J., Xie, X.* (2020). “Staffing Decisions in a Tele-ICU: Dedicated Versus Flexible Resources,” IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 10(3), 172-183.

  4. Zeng, Z., Fan, Z., Xie, X.*, Swartz, C. H., DePriest, P., Li, J. (2020). “A Two-level Iteration Approach for Modeling and Analysis of Rapid Response Process with Multiple Deteriorating Patients,” Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 32(1), 35-71.

  5. Luo, L., Pang, B., Chen, J., Li, Y., Xie, X.* (2019) “Assessing the Impact of Lifestyle Interventions on Diabetes Prevention in China: A Modeling Approach,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(10), 1677.

  6. Yu, K., Xie, X.*(2019), “Predicting Hospital Readmission: A Joint Ensemble-learning Model,” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 24(2), 447-456.

  7. Chen, N., Xie, X., Zeng, Z., Zhong, X., Brenny-Fitzpatrick, M., Liegel, B. A., Zheng, L., Li, J. (2019), “Improving Discharge Process at the University of Wisconsin Hospital: A System-Theoretic Method,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 16(4), 1732-1749.

  8. Liu, R., Tao, Y., Xie, X.* (2019), “An Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing      Problem with Time Windows and Synchronized Visits,” Computer and Operations Research, 101, 250-262.

  9. Chen, N., Xie, X., Bain, P., Mundt, M., Zheng, L., Li, J. (2018), “An Analytical Framework for Modeling, Analysis and Improvement of Team Communication and Collaboration Process in Primary Care Clinics,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 16(3), 1148-1162.

  10. Cui, L., Xie, X.*, Shen, Z., Lu, R., Wang, H. (2018), “Prediction of Healthcare Resources Utilization Using Multioutput Regression Models,” IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 8(4), 291-302.

  11. Cui, L., Xie, X.*, Shen, Z. (2018), “Prediction Task Guided Representation Learning of Medical Codes in EHR,” Journal of Biomedical Informatics, DOI: 84, 1-10.

  12. Pang, B., Xie, X.*, Song, Y., Luo, L., Gong, R. (2018), “Surgery Scheduling under Case Cancellation and Surgery Duration Uncertainty,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 16(1), 74-86.

  13. Li, X., Liu, D., Geng, N., Xie, X.* (2018), “Optimal ICU Admission Control with Premature Discharge,” IEEE  Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 16(1), 148-164.

  14. Yang, J., Li, L., Shi, Y., Xie, X.* (2018),  “An ARIMA Model with Adaptive Orders for Predicting Blood Glucose      Concentrations and Hypoglycemia,” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health  Informatics, 23(3), 1251-1260.

  15. Zeng, Z., Xie, X., Menaker, H., Sanford-Ring, S.G., Li, J., (2018), “Performance Evaluation of Operating Room Schedules      in Orthopedic Surgery,” Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 30(1-2), pp.198-223.

  16. Xie, X., He, T., Kang, J., Siscovick, D.S., Li, Y. and Pagán, J.A. (2018), “Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Intensive Hypertension Control in China,” Preventive medicine, 111, pp.110-114.

  17. Liu, R., Xie, X.*, Yu, K. and Hu, Q. (2018) “A survey on Simulation Optimization for the Manufacturing System      Operation,” International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 38(2), pp.116-127.

  18. Chen, N., Wang, M., Xie, X.*, Zheng, L., Swartz, C. H. (2017), “Modeling and Analysis of the Waiting Time of Rapid Response Process in Acute Care,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(1), 336-343.

  19. Xie, X., Xing, J., Kong, N., Li, C., Li, J., Zhang, S. (2017), “Improving Colorectal Polyp Classification based on Physical Examination Data-An Ensemble Learning Approach,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(1), 434-441.

  20. Yu, K., Xie, X.*, Luo, L., Gong, R. (2017), “Contributing Factors of Elective Surgical Case Cancellation: A Retrospective Cross-sectional Study at a Single-site Hospital,” BMC Surgery, 17(1), 100.

  21. Su, W., Xie, X.*, Li, J., Zheng, L., Feng, S. C. (2017), “Reducing Energy Consumption in Serial Production Lines with Bernoulli Reliability Machines,” International Journal of Production Research, 55(24), 7356-7379.

  22. Liu, R., Tao, Y., Hu, Q., Xie, X.* (2017), “Simulation-based Optimisation Approach for the Stochastic Two-echelon      Logistics Problem,” International Journal of Production Research, 55(1), 187-201.

  23. Su, W., Xie, X.*, Li, J., Zheng, L. (2016), “Improving Energy Efficiency in Bernoulli Serial Lines: An Integrated Model,” International Journal of Production Research, 54(11), 3414-3428.

  24. Xie, X., Li, J., Swartz, C. H., Dong, Y., DePriest, P. (2014), “Modeling and Analysis of Ward Patient Rescue Process on the Hospital Floor,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 13(2), 514-528.

  25. Xie, X., Li, J., Swartz, C. H., DePriest, P. (2013), “Improving Response-time Performance in Acute Care Delivery: A Systems Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 11(4), 1240-1249.

  26. Xie, X., Li, J. (2012), “Modeling, Analysis and Continuous Improvement of Food Production Systems: A Case      Study at a Meat Shaving and Packaging Line,” Journal of Food Engineering, 113(2), 344-350.

  27. Xie, X., Li, J., Swartz, C. H., DePriest, P. (2012), “Modeling and Analysis of Rapid Response Process to Improve Patient Safety in Acute Care,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 9(2), 215-225.



  • 卫生与医疗服务研究中心主任

  • 数据化管理中心成员

  • 工四年级级主任,工八年级级主任

  • 本科毕设委员会

  • 本科生产实践委员会

  • 工业工程系青年委员


  • IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

  • Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal

  • IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2019-)


  • IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering

  • International Journal of Production Research


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