(Google Scholar Citation=1931, H-index=19, as of 2021.04.08)
Referred Journals:
1. Chen, Xiangdong; Li, Meng; Lin, Xi; Yin, Yafeng; HE, FANG*, 2021. Rhythmic Control of Automated Traffic-Part I: Concept and Properties at Isolated Intersections. Transportation Science, Accepted.
2. Lin, X., Li, M., Shen, Z.-J., Yin, Y., He, F.*, 2021. Rhythmic Control of Automated Traffic Part II: Grid Network Rhythm and Online Routing. Transportation Science. Accepted.
3. Lin, X., Yin, Y., He, F.*, 2020. Credit-based mobility management considering travelers' budgeting behaviors under uncertainty. Transportation Science, accepted.
4. Lin, X., He, F.*, Li, M., Liu, Y., 2019. On the existence of system-optimum-inducing tolling functions for transportation networks. Transportation Science, accepted.
5. Chen, Z., He, F., and Yin, Y.*, 2017. Optimal design of autonomous vehicle zones in transportation networks. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 99, 44-61.
6. Chen, Z., He, F. and Yin, Y.*, 2016. Optimal deployment of charging lanes in transportation networks. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 91, 344-365.
7. He, F., Yin, Y.*, Chen, Z., and Zhou, J., 2015. Pricing of parking games with atomic players. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 73, 1-12.
8. He, F., Yin, Y.*, and Lawphongpanich, S., 2014. Network equilibrium models with battery electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 67, 306-319.
9. He, F., Yin, Y.*, Nima, S., and Nie, Y., 2013. Tradable credit schemes on networks with mixed equilibrium behaviors. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 57, 47-65.
10. He, F., Wu, D., Yin, Y.*, and Guan, Y., 2013. Optimal deployment of public charging stations for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 47, 87-101.
11. An, Y., Lin, X., Li, M.*, He, F., 2021. Dynamic Governance Decisions on Multi-modal Inter-city Travel during a Large-scale Epidemic Spreading. Transport Policy. Accepted
12. Huang, K., Wu, J.*, Liao, F.*, Sun, H., He, F., Gao, Z., 2020. Incorporating multimodal coordination into timetabling optimization of the last trains in an urban railway network. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, accepted.
13. Zhang, Z., He, F., Lin, X., Wang, Y., Li, M.*, 2020. High-performance traffic speed forecasting based on spatiotemporal clustering of road segments. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, accepted
14. Wang, Y., Li, M., Lin, X., He, F.*, 2020. Online operations strategies for automated multistory parking facilities. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, accepted.
15. Chengzhang Wang, Xi Lin, Fang He, Max Zuo-Jun Shen and Meng Li*,2020. Hybrid of Fixed and Mobile Charging Systems for Electric Vehicles: System Design and Analysis. Accepted in ISTTT24 Symposium, Published in Special Issue of Transportation Research Part C.
16. Tang, X., Li, M., Lin, X., He, F.*, 2020. Online operations of automated electric taxi fleets: a two-step reinforcement learning framework. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, accepted.
17. Chen, X., Lin, X., He, F., Li, M., 2020. Modeling and Control of Automated Vehicle Access on Dedicated Bus Rapid Transit Lanes. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, accepted.
18. Zhang, K., He, F., Zhang, Z., Lin, X., Li, M.*, 2020. Graph attention temporal convolutional network for traffic speed forecasting on road networks Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, accepted.
19. Tang, P., He, F., Lin, X., Li, M.*, 2020. Online-to-offline mobile charging system for electric vehicles: strategic planning and online operation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, accepted.
20. Zhang, K., He, F., Zhang, Z., Lin, X., Li, M.*, 2020. Multi-vehicle routing problems with soft time windows: a multi-agent reinforcement learning approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, accepted.
21. An, Y., Li, M., Lin, X., He, F.*, Yang, H., 2020. Conflict-free routing in dedicated automated vehicle zones. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, accepted.
22. Li, H., Li, M., Lin, X., He, F.*, Wang, Y., 2020 Traffic data imputation with complicated missing patterns: a combined approach with prophet time series and iterative random forest. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, accepted.
23. Luo Z., He F., Lin, X., Wu, J., Li, M.*, 2020. Joint deployment of charging stations and photovoltaic power plants for electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, accepted.
24. Yan, H., He, F., Lin, X., Yu, J., Li, M.* and Wang, Y., 2019. Network-level multiband signal coordination scheme based on vehicle trajectory data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 107, pp.266-286.
25. Tang, X., Lin, X. and He, F.*, 2019. Robust scheduling strategies of electric buses under stochastic traffic conditions. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 105, pp.163-182.
26. Zhang, Z., Li, M., Lin, X., Wang, Y. and He, F.*, 2019. Multistep speed prediction on traffic networks: A deep learning approach considering spatio-temporal dependencies. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 105, pp.297-322.
27. Wang, C., He, F., Lin, X., Shen, Z.J.M. and Li, M.*, 2019. Designing locations and capacities for charging stations to support intercity travel of electric vehicles: An expanded network approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 102, pp.210-232.
28. Li, H., He, F., Lin, X., Wang, Y. and Li, M.*, 2019. Travel time reliability measure based on predictability using the Lempel–Ziv algorithm. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 101, pp.161-180.
29. Yang, Y.*, Li, M., Yu, J. and He, F., 2019. Expressway bottleneck pattern identification using traffic big data—The case of ring roads in Beijing, China. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp.1-14.
30. He, F., Yang, J., and Li, M.*, 2018. Vehicle scheduling under stochastic trip times: An approximate dynamic programming approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 96, 144-159.
31. Lin, X., Li, M., and He, F*., 2018. Nonlinear pricing in linear cities with elastic demands. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 95, 616-635.
32. He, F*., Wang, X., Lin, X. and Tang, X., 2018. Pricing and penalty/compensation strategies of a taxi-hailing platform. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 86, pp.263-279.
33. Kontou, E.*, Yin, Y., Lin, Z., He, F., 2017. Socially optimal replacement of conventional with electric vehicles for the US household fleet. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11(10), 749-763.
34. Li, M., Jia, Y., Shen, Z.M., He, F.*, 2017. Improving the electrification rate of the vehicle miles traveled in Beijing: A data-driven approach. Transportation Research Part A. Vol. 97, 106-120.
35. Chen, Z., He, F., Zhang L.* and Yin Y., 2016. Optimal deployment of autonomous vehicle lanes with endogenous market penetration. Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 72, 143-156.
36. Wang, X.*, He, F., Yang, H. and Gao, H.O., 2016. Pricing strategies for a taxi-hailing platform. Transportation Research Part E. Vol. 93, 212-231.
37. Li, M., Lin, X., He, F.* and Jiang, H., 2016. Optimal locations and travel time display for variable message signs. Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 69, 418-435.
38. He, F., Yin, Y.*, Wang, J., and Yang, Y., 2016. Optimal prices of electricity at public charging stations for plug-in electric vehicles. Networks and Spatial Economics. Vol. 16, 131-154.
39. He, F.*, and Yin, Y., 2015. Deploying public charging stations on urban road networks. Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 60, 227-240.
40. He, F.* and Shen, Z.M., 2015. Modeling taxi services with smartphone-based e-hailing applications. Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 58, 93-106.
41. Chen, Z., Yin, Y.*, He, F. and Lin, J.L., 2015. Parking reservation for managing downtown curbside parking. Transportation Research Record. Vol. 2498, 12-18.
42. He, F., Yin, Y.*, and Zhou, J., 2013. Integrated pricing of roads and electricity enabled by wireless power transfer. Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 34, 1-15.