


  • 姓名:何方

  • 办公电话: +86-010-62783205

  • 邮箱:fanghe@tsinghua.edu.cn

  • 传真号码:+86-010-62794399

  • 地点:舜德楼北502

  • 教师主页:


何方博士现任清华大学工业工程系长聘副教授,2020年入选国家级青年人才计划 。何方老师长期致力于交通运筹与管理领域的教学与科研工作,研究兴趣具体包括以下几个方面:

  • 交通网络建模与优化

  • “互联网+交通”平台运营管理

  • 考虑汽车智能化与网联化技术的城市交通组织优化与需求管理

  • 智慧物流

  • 电动汽车设施规划与运营管理

  • 大数据驱动的交通管理




  • 系科研副系主任,2024.01至今

  • 系党委副书记,2021.04至今

  • 系党委研究生工作组组长,2017.07-2021.01

  • 副教授,2016.12至今,清华大学工业工程系

  • 助理教授,2014.10—2016.12,清华大学工业工程系


  • 工学博士 (2010.08—2014.08),美国佛罗里达大学土木与海岸工程系, 导师:Professor Yafeng Yin(殷亚峰教授)

  • 工学学士 (2006.09—2010.07),清华大学土木工程系


· 国家级青年人才计划,2020

· 清华大学疫情防控期间在线教学优秀教师优秀奖,2020

· Elsevier 2019年中国高被引学者

· 清华大学大学生研究训练(SRT)计划优秀指导教师一等奖,2019

· 第18届COTA 国际交通科技年会最佳论文奖,2018

· 第11届计算交通科学国际研讨会最佳论文奖,2019

· 综合考核优秀奖,清华大学工业工程系,2015,2016,2019

· 科研优秀奖,清华大学工业工程系,2016,2017,2018,2019

· 教学优秀奖,清华大学工业工程系,2016, 2018,2019

· Stella Dafermos最佳论文提名奖,美国交通研究委员会网络建模委员会(ADB30), 2015

· 杰出学术奖,美国佛罗里达大学可持续工程学院,2014


(Google Scholar Citation=1931, H-index=19, as of 2021.04.08)

Referred Journals:

1. Chen, Xiangdong; Li, Meng; Lin, Xi; Yin, Yafeng; HE, FANG*, 2021. Rhythmic Control of Automated Traffic-Part I: Concept and Properties at Isolated Intersections. Transportation Science, Accepted.

2. Lin, X., Li, M., Shen, Z.-J., Yin, Y., He, F.*, 2021. Rhythmic Control of Automated Traffic Part II: Grid Network Rhythm and Online Routing. Transportation Science. Accepted.

3. Lin, X., Yin, Y., He, F.*, 2020. Credit-based mobility management considering travelers' budgeting behaviors under uncertainty. Transportation Science, accepted.

4. Lin, X., He, F.*, Li, M., Liu, Y., 2019. On the existence of system-optimum-inducing tolling functions for transportation networks. Transportation Science, accepted.

5. Chen, Z., He, F., and Yin, Y.*, 2017. Optimal design of autonomous vehicle zones in transportation networks. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 99, 44-61.

6. Chen, Z., He, F. and Yin, Y.*, 2016. Optimal deployment of charging lanes in transportation networks. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 91, 344-365.

7. He, F., Yin, Y.*, Chen, Z., and Zhou, J., 2015. Pricing of parking games with atomic players. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 73, 1-12.

8. He, F., Yin, Y.*, and Lawphongpanich, S., 2014. Network equilibrium models with battery electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 67, 306-319.

9. He, F., Yin, Y.*, Nima, S., and Nie, Y., 2013. Tradable credit schemes on networks with mixed equilibrium behaviors. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 57, 47-65.

10. He, F., Wu, D., Yin, Y.*, and Guan, Y., 2013. Optimal deployment of public charging stations for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part B. Vol. 47, 87-101.

11. An, Y., Lin, X., Li, M.*, He, F., 2021. Dynamic Governance Decisions on Multi-modal Inter-city Travel during a Large-scale Epidemic Spreading. Transport Policy. Accepted

12. Huang, K., Wu, J.*, Liao, F.*, Sun, H., He, F., Gao, Z., 2020. Incorporating multimodal coordination into timetabling optimization of the last trains in an urban railway network. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, accepted.

13. Zhang, Z., He, F., Lin, X., Wang, Y., Li, M.*, 2020. High-performance traffic speed forecasting based on spatiotemporal clustering of road segments. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, accepted

14. Wang, Y., Li, M., Lin, X., He, F.*, 2020. Online operations strategies for automated multistory parking facilities. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, accepted.

15. Chengzhang Wang, Xi Lin, Fang He, Max Zuo-Jun Shen and Meng Li*,2020. Hybrid of Fixed and Mobile Charging Systems for Electric Vehicles: System Design and Analysis. Accepted in ISTTT24 Symposium, Published in Special Issue of Transportation Research Part C.

16. Tang, X., Li, M., Lin, X., He, F.*, 2020. Online operations of automated electric taxi fleets: a two-step reinforcement learning framework. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, accepted.

17. Chen, X., Lin, X., He, F., Li, M., 2020. Modeling and Control of Automated Vehicle Access on Dedicated Bus Rapid Transit Lanes. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, accepted.

18. Zhang, K., He, F., Zhang, Z., Lin, X., Li, M.*, 2020. Graph attention temporal convolutional network for traffic speed forecasting on road networks Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, accepted.

19. Tang, P., He, F., Lin, X., Li, M.*, 2020. Online-to-offline mobile charging system for electric vehicles: strategic planning and online operation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, accepted.

20. Zhang, K., He, F., Zhang, Z., Lin, X., Li, M.*, 2020. Multi-vehicle routing problems with soft time windows: a multi-agent reinforcement learning approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, accepted.

21. An, Y., Li, M., Lin, X., He, F.*, Yang, H., 2020. Conflict-free routing in dedicated automated vehicle zones. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, accepted.

22. Li, H., Li, M., Lin, X., He, F.*, Wang, Y., 2020 Traffic data imputation with complicated missing patterns: a combined approach with prophet time series and iterative random forest. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, accepted.

23. Luo Z., He F., Lin, X., Wu, J., Li, M.*, 2020. Joint deployment of charging stations and photovoltaic power plants for electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, accepted.

24. Yan, H., He, F., Lin, X., Yu, J., Li, M.* and Wang, Y., 2019. Network-level multiband signal coordination scheme based on vehicle trajectory data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 107, pp.266-286.

25. Tang, X., Lin, X. and He, F.*, 2019. Robust scheduling strategies of electric buses under stochastic traffic conditions. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 105, pp.163-182.

26. Zhang, Z., Li, M., Lin, X., Wang, Y. and He, F.*, 2019. Multistep speed prediction on traffic networks: A deep learning approach considering spatio-temporal dependencies. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 105, pp.297-322.

27. Wang, C., He, F., Lin, X., Shen, Z.J.M. and Li, M.*, 2019. Designing locations and capacities for charging stations to support intercity travel of electric vehicles: An expanded network approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 102, pp.210-232.

28. Li, H., He, F., Lin, X., Wang, Y. and Li, M.*, 2019. Travel time reliability measure based on predictability using the Lempel–Ziv algorithm. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 101, pp.161-180.

29. Yang, Y.*, Li, M., Yu, J. and He, F., 2019. Expressway bottleneck pattern identification using traffic big data—The case of ring roads in Beijing, China. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp.1-14.

30. He, F., Yang, J., and Li, M.*, 2018. Vehicle scheduling under stochastic trip times: An approximate dynamic programming approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 96, 144-159.

31. Lin, X., Li, M., and He, F*., 2018. Nonlinear pricing in linear cities with elastic demands. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 95, 616-635.

32. He, F*., Wang, X., Lin, X. and Tang, X., 2018. Pricing and penalty/compensation strategies of a taxi-hailing platform. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 86, pp.263-279.

33. Kontou, E.*, Yin, Y., Lin, Z., He, F., 2017. Socially optimal replacement of conventional with electric vehicles for the US household fleet. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11(10), 749-763.

34. Li, M., Jia, Y., Shen, Z.M., He, F.*, 2017. Improving the electrification rate of the vehicle miles traveled in Beijing: A data-driven approach. Transportation Research Part A. Vol. 97, 106-120.

35. Chen, Z., He, F., Zhang L.* and Yin Y., 2016. Optimal deployment of autonomous vehicle lanes with endogenous market penetration. Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 72, 143-156.

36. Wang, X.*, He, F., Yang, H. and Gao, H.O., 2016. Pricing strategies for a taxi-hailing platform. Transportation Research Part E. Vol. 93, 212-231.

37. Li, M., Lin, X., He, F.* and Jiang, H., 2016. Optimal locations and travel time display for variable message signs. Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 69, 418-435.

38. He, F., Yin, Y.*, Wang, J., and Yang, Y., 2016. Optimal prices of electricity at public charging stations for plug-in electric vehicles. Networks and Spatial Economics. Vol. 16, 131-154.

39. He, F.*, and Yin, Y., 2015. Deploying public charging stations on urban road networks. Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 60, 227-240.

40. He, F.* and Shen, Z.M., 2015. Modeling taxi services with smartphone-based e-hailing applications. Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 58, 93-106.

41. Chen, Z., Yin, Y.*, He, F. and Lin, J.L., 2015. Parking reservation for managing downtown curbside parking. Transportation Research Record. Vol. 2498, 12-18.

42. He, F., Yin, Y.*, and Zhou, J., 2013. Integrated pricing of roads and electricity enabled by wireless power transfer. Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 34, 1-15.



· 新兴交通形态应用边界与协同管控模式研究,国家重点研发计划课题,负责人

· 城市交通电动化:规划与运营关键理论研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,负责人

· 基于链式出行行为的电动汽车公共充换电设施规划研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,负责人

· 考虑手机招车软件的城市出租车网络均衡建模与运营机制优化,北京市自然科学基金,负责人

· 大数据时代交通运输治理与服务模式创新,中华人民共和国交通运输部,共同负责人

· 能源网-信息网-交通网三网融合的规划与运行关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金联合基金项目重点项目,共同负责人


· 丰田公司,横向合作,未来城市多模式公共出行服务系统的设计与运营优化,主持

· 丰田公司,横向合作,考虑自动驾驶出行的城市多模式交通系统效率提升探究,主持

· 胶州物流研究中心,基于节拍的网络流控制方法,主持

· 丰田预探索项目,横向合作,数据驱动的拥堵收费研究,主持

· 戴姆勒奔驰,横向项目,自动驾驶辅助系统通用评价标准,子课题负责人

· 高德地图,横向项目,交通大数据分析及应用,子课题负责人

· 高德地图,横向项目,交通状况预测,子课题负责人

· 高德地图,横向项目,交通与污染物排放关联性分析,子课题负责人

· 戴姆勒奔驰,横向项目,多模式交通大数据分析,主持

· 高德地图,横向项目,基于大数据分析的交通拥堵缓解政策探究,子课题负责人

· 上海锐力健身装备有限公司,横向项目,基于机器学习模型的销量预测,主持

· 高德地图,横向项目,基于过饱和状态的多模式交通大数据分析与治堵政策研究,主持

· 中国民航科学技术研究院,横向项目,航班监控系统开发,子课题负责人

· 高德地图,横向项目,交通大数据挖掘与信息分析,主持


· 专刊组稿专家,《交通运输工程学报》(2020.12-2021.8)

· 编委编辑,Transportation Research Part B (2021至今)

· 中国“双法”研究会高等教育管理分会常务理事,2020-2021

· IEEE PES中国区电动汽车技术委员会常务理事,2020-2021

· 编委, Transportation Research Part C (2017-至今)

· 特刊编辑, IET Smart Grid (2019-2020)

· 审稿人,近20本国际期刊(包括 MS, POM, TR-Part A-E)

· 中国管理科学与工程学会交通运输管理分会常务理事 (2017-至今)

· 世界交通运输大会交通网络设计技术委员会委员 (2018)

· 国家自然科学基金委函评专家 (2018、2019、2020)

· 北京市交管局专家库成员 (2019-至今)

· 清华-戴姆勒可持续交通研究中心执行委员 (2016-2019)

· 清华大学人工智能创新创业辅修专业联合项目主任 (2017-2020)

· 清华大学未来交通与智能汽车交叉研究中心委员 (2018-2021)


· 交通工程与管理理论 ,研究生,春季学期(课号80160182-0)

· 交通系统规划与控制,本科生, 春季学期(课号40160343-0)


· 2020. 10. Facility Planning and Operations Management for Electric Vehicles, The 4th IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration

· 2020. 10,自动驾驶时代的城市交通组织优化,第三届交通工程与管理青年学者论坛

· 2020.8 Towards Future Mobility: Opportunities, Challenges, and Paths, 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会网络分会年会(分会场报告)

· 2019. 12. Towards Future Mobility: Opportunities, Challenges, and Paths, Beijing, International Workshop on Optimization Challenges and Opportunities in Logistics and Mobility

· 2019. 6. A Rhythmic Control Framework for Connected and Automated Vehicles on One-Way Grid Networks, Nanjing, Workshop on Ride-sourcing Systems and Data-driven Transportation Management

· 2019.4 Rhythmic control of automated vehicles for isolated intersections, Nanjing, Workshop for Yong Scholars of Transportation Engineering and Management

· 2019.4 Credit-based Mobility Management Considering Travelers’ Budgeting Behavior under Uncertainty, Beijing, International Workshop on Multi-modal Transportation

· 2018. 11 Infrastructure-based Cloud Control of Automated Transportation, Hawaii, IEEE International ITS Conference

· 2018.9.21 The Date That Can't Be Late-Traffic Status Forecasting Based on Deep Learning Method, Hangzhou, The Computing Conference (云栖大会)

· 2018.8 Multi-source Big Data Driven Transportation Management Decision and Optimization, Chongqing, 2018 Smart China Expo Transportation Forum (智博会)

· 2018.7 Vehicle Scheduling under Stochastic Trip Times: An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach, Tsinghua University, Alumni Forum - Department of Civil Engineering (清华大学土木系系友论坛)

· 2018.6 Vehicle Scheduling under Stochastic Trip Times: An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach, China National Convention Center, Beijing, 2018 World Transport Convention - Traffic network modeling session

· 2017.11 Big Data Driven Transportation Management, Beijing Carsmart Technology Co., Ltd.

· 2017.10 A Systematic Investigation of General Nonlinear Road Pricing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (Seminar)(美国密西根大学)

· 2017.10 Optimal Design of Urban Taxi Fleet Electrification: A Simulation-Based Optimization Approach, Houston, USA, 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting (Invited Presentation)

· 2017.10 Vehicle Scheduling under Stochastic Trip Times: An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (Seminar) (美国密西根大学)

· 2017.3 & 2017.10 A Systematic Investigation of General Nonlinear Road Pricing, Beihang University & Beijing Jiao Tong University & Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Seminar)

· 2016.10 Improving the Electrification Rate of the Vehicle Miles Traveled in Beijing: A Data-driven Approach, Anhui Polytechnic University, China, 2016 NSFC Conference for Yong Scholars - Management Science and Engineering


· "Intelligent Transportation Construction Needs to Fully Utilize the Value of Big Data", Chongqing Daily, 2018.8.25. (重庆日报)

· "Smart China Expo Will Bring Greater Power to Chongqing Development" Chongqing Morning Post, 2018.8.25. (重庆晨报)

· "A Long Way to Go, but Winning in the Future- An Exclusive Interview with Professor Fang He", Scientific Chinese, Vol. 2, 2018. (科学中国人专访)

· "Future Transportation and Urban Computing Lab Announces Traffic Forecasting Research Findings on the Computing Conference", China.com, 2018.9.19.