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1.Lyu, Y.&, and L. Li*. 2023. “Parallel Services System Design for Autonomous Services Vehicles: A Human-in-the-Loop Approach.” In 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (DTPI), 1–6.
2.Li, Q., L. Li*, and X. Ren. 2023. “System of Systems Architecture Prioritization Using A Comprehensive Evaluation Framework.” In 2023 International Annual Conference on Complex Systems and Intelligent Science (CSIS-IAC), 320-325.
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4.Zhang, Z., Z. Zhang, W. Li, L. Li, W. Dong, Y. Zhang, and Y. Liang. 2023. “A Fault Diagnosis Method for High-Speed Train Bogie Based on Multi-Source Data Fusion.” In 2023 3rd Asia Conference on Information Engineering (ACIE), 73–80.
5.Wang, R.&, Y. Zhang, and L. Li*. 2021. “Semiparallel Service: Theory and Application.” In 2021 IEEE 1st International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (DTPI), 1–4.
6.Ni, S.&, L. Zheng, and L. Li. 2021. “Quality Infrastructure System in China: An Agent-Based Model.” In Complex Systems Design & Management, 371–84. Springer International Publishing.
7.Zhang, X., C. Wang, L. Li, and P. Wang. 2021. “An Overview of Complex Enterprise Systems Engineering: Evolution and Challenges.” In Complex Systems Design & Management, 175–88. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
8.Cheng, Y., X. Zhang, and L. Li. 2021. “Studies on Global Modeling Technology in Enterprise System Design and Governance.” In Complex Systems Design & Management, 423–34. Springer International Publishing.
9.Shen, Q.&, and L. Li. 2021. “Acknowledged SoS Architecture Design Based on Agent-Based Modelling.” In Complex Systems Design & Management, 103–20. Springer International Publishing.
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