1. Zhang, Y., Diabat Ali, Zhang, Z. H.* (2021). Reliable closed-loop supply chain design problem under facility-type-dependent probabilistic disruptions. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 146, 180-209
2. Liang, J., Wang, Y., Zhang, Z. H.*, Sun, Y. (2019). Energy efficient production planning and scheduling problem with processing technology selection. Computers & Industrial Engineering (DOI:10.1016/j.cie.2019.04.042.)
3. Li, Qiaofeng, Zhang, Z. H.*. Robust design of a reverse logistics network for photovoltaic modules with resource price uncertainties. IISE Transaction, , 51 (7), 691-708 (the Best Application Paper in the 2020 IISE Transactions Focus Issue on Design and Manufacturing)
4. Liu, Kanglin, Li, Qiaofeng, Zhang, Z. H.* (2019). Distributionally robust optimization of an emergency medical service station location and sizing problem with joint chance constraints. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 119, 79-101
5. Zhang, Z. H., Gemma Berenguer, Pan,X. (2018). Location, inventory and testing decisions in closed loop supply chains: a multimedia company. IISE Transactions, 51, 1, 41-56 (IISE Transactions 2020 Scheduling and Logistics Best Paper Honorary Mention)
6. Chaher Alzaman, Zhang, Z. H., Ali Diabat* (2018). Supply Chain Network Design with Direct and Indirect Production Costs: Hybrid Gradient and Local Search Based Heuristics. International Journal of Production Economics, 203, 203-215
7. Zhang, Yanzi, Zhang, Z. H.* (2018). Impact of cannibalization between new and remanufactured products on supply chain design and operation. IISE Transaction, 51, 1, 22-40
8. Tian, X., Zhang, Z. H.* (2018). Capacitated disassembly scheduling and pricing of returned products with price-dependent yield. Omega, 84, 160-174
9. Liu, K., Zhang, Z. H.*. (2017). Capacitated disassembly scheduling under stochastic yield and demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 269, 244-257
10. Liu, C., Wang, C., Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L.* (2017). Scheduling with job-splitting considering learning and the vital-few law. Computers & Operations Research, 90, 264-274
11. Bai, D., Tang, M., Zhang, Z. H.*, Santibanez-Gonzalez E. D. (2018). Flow shop learning effect scheduling problem with release dates. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science. 78, 21-38
12. Cheng, N.*, Zhang, Z. H., Huang, S., Zheng, L. (2017). Chinese consumer responses to carbon labeling: evidence from experimental auctions. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 4, 1-19
13. Bai, D., Liang, J., Liu, B., Tang, M., Zhang, Z. H.* (2017), Permutation flow shop scheduling problem to minimize nonlinear objective function with release dates, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 112, 336-347.
14. Bai, D., Zhang, Z. H.*, Zhang, Q., Tang, M. (2017). Open shop scheduling problem to minimize total weighted completion time. Engineering Optimization, 49, 98-112
15. Wang, C., Liu, C., Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L.* (2016). Minimizing the total completion time for parallel machine scheduling with job splitting and learning. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 97, 170-180.
16. Zhang, Z. H.*, Unnikrishnan, A. (2016). A coordinated location-inventory problem in closed-loop supply chain. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 89, 127-148.
17. Qin, H., Zhang, Z. H.*, Bai, D. (2016). Permutation flowshop group scheduling with position-based learning effect. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 92, 1-15.
18. Santibanez-Gonzalez, E. D., Sarkis, J., Dolgui, A., Koh, L., Govindan, K., Jin, M.,…& Zhang, Z. (2016). Low carbon economy and equitable society: production, supply chain, and operations management perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, (117), 7-9.
19. Bai, D. *, Zhang, Z. H., & Zhang, Q. (2016). Flexible open shop scheduling problem to minimize makespan. Computers & Operations Research, 67, 207-215.
20. Ji, X., Zhang, Z. H., Huang, S.*, & Li, L. (2016). Capacitated disassembly scheduling with parts commonality and start-up cost and its industrial application. International Journal of Production Research, 54 (4), 1225-1243.
21. Zhang, Z. H., Berenguer, G., & Shen, Z. J. (2015). A capacitated facility location model with bidirectional flows. Transportation Science, 49 (1), 114-129.
22. Movahed, K. K., & Zhang, Z. H.* (2015). Robust design of (s, S) inventory policy parameters in supply chains with demand and lead time uncertainties. International Journal of Systems Science, 46 (12), 2258-2268.
23. Zhang, Z. H.*, & Li, K. (2015). A novel probabilistic formulation for locating and sizing emergency medical service stations. Annals of Operations Research, 229 (1), 813-835.
24. Zhang, Z. H.*, Li, B. F., Qian, X., & Cai, L. N. (2014). An integrated supply chain network design problem for bidirectional flows. Expert Systems with Applications, 41 (9), 4298-4308.
25. Zhang, Z. H.*, & Bai, D. (2014). An extended study on an open-shop scheduling problem using the minimisation of the sum of quadratic completion times. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 230, 238-247.
26. Pan, T., Zhang, Z. H.*, & Cao, H. (2014). Collaborative production planning with production time windows and order splitting in make-to-order manufacturing. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 67, 1-9.
27. Bai, D.*, & Zhang, Z. H. (2014). Asymptotic optimality of shortest processing timebased algorithms for flow shop and open shop problems with nonlinear objective functions. Engineering Optimization, 46 (12), 1709-1728.
28. Chen, X., Huang, S.*, Chen, D., Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L., Grossmann, I., & Chen, S. (2014). Hierarchical Decomposition Approach for Crude Oil Scheduling: A SINOPEC Case. Interfaces, 44 (3), 269-285.
29. Zhang, Z. H.*, & Jiang, H. (2014). A robust counterpart approach to the bi-objective emergency medical service design problem. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38 (3), 1033-1040.
30. Bai, D.*, & Zhang, Z. H. (2014). On the asymptotic optimality and improved strategies of SPTB heuristic for open-shop scheduling problem. International Journal of Systems Science, 45 (8), 1657-1667.
31. Guo, M., Li, B.*, Zhang, Z. H., Wu, S., & Song, J. (2013). Efficiency evaluation for allocating community-based health services. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65 (3), 395-401.
32. Zhang, Z. H.*, Jiang, H., & Pan, X. (2012). A Lagrangian relaxation based approach for the capacitated lot sizing problem in closed-loop supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 140 (1), 249-255.
33. Zhang, C., Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L.*, & Miao, L. (2011). A decision support system for the allocation of yard cranes and blocks in container terminals. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 28 (06), 803-829.
34. Zhang, C., Zheng, L.*, Zhang, Z. H., Shi, L., & Armstrong, A. J. (2010). The allocation of berths and quay cranes by using a sub-gradient optimization technique. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 58 (1), 40-50.
35. Wang, S., Zheng, L.*, & Zhang, Z. H. (2010). Decomposition Algorithms for the Interval Scheduling Problem. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 27 (04), 517-537.
36. Zheng, L.*, Yang, X. M., Zhang, Z. H., & Liu, T. I. (2008). A web-based machining parameter selection system for life cycle cost reduction and product quality enhancement. Computers in Industry, 59 (2), 254-261.
37. Liu, S. G.*, Zheng, L., Zhang, Z. H., Li, Z. Z., & Liu, D. C. (2007). Optimization of the number and positions of fixture locators in the peripheral milling of a low-rigidity workpiece. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 33 (7-8), 668-676.
38. Liu, S. G., Zheng, L.*, Zhang, Z. H., & Wen, D. H. (2006). Optimal fixture design in peripheral milling of thin-walled workpiece. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 28 (7-8), 653-658.
39. Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L.*, Zhang, L., Li, Z., Liu, D., & Zhang, B. (2005). A study on calibration of coefficients in end milling forces model. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25 (7-8), 652-662.
40. Li, Z. Z.*, Zhang, Z. H., & Zheng, L. (2004). Feedrate optimization for variant milling process based on cutting force prediction. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 24 (7-8), 541-552.
41. Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L.*, Li, Z., Liu, D., Zhang, L., & Zhang, B. (2003). A cutting force model for a waved-edge end milling cutter. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 21 (6), 403-410.
42. Zhang, L.*, Zheng, L., Zhang, Z. H., Liu, Y., & Li, Z. Z. (2002). On cutting forces in peripheral milling of curved surfaces. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 216 (10), 1385-1398.
1. Li, W., Zhang, Z. H.*. Balancing Trade-offs between Utilization and Work-in-Process Inventory Levels in Flow Shop Production. In: CASE 2018–14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Munich, Germany, August 20–24, 2018.
2. Bai, D., Liang, J., Miao, Y., Zhang, Z. H.*. Scheduling Two-stage Flexible Flowshop with Learning Effect. In: CASE 2018–14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Munich, Germany, August 20–24, 2018.
3. H.-Y. Chiang, X. Tian, Zhang Z.-H.*. (2017, Sept).Nonlinear multi-objective programming approach to next-day electricity real-time pricing optimization. (BEST PAPER AWARD) The Second Global Conference on Theory and Applications of OR/OM for Sustainability (GCTAOS) 6-8 September, Beijing, China.
4. Chen, X., Zhang, Z. H., Huang, S. M., & Zheng, L.* (2010, October). Spatial-based decomposition approach for the crude scheduling problem of a refinery with multiple ports and long-distance pipelines. In Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM), 2010 IEEE 17Th International Conference on (pp. 808-812). IEEE.
5. Zhang, C., Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L.*, & Cai, L. (2007, August). The Assignment of Customers in Multi-depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Fleet Size Constraint for Each Depot. In Automation and Logistics, 2007 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1897-1901). IEEE.
6. Wang, S., Zheng, L.*, & Zhang Z. H. (2007, August). Bi-ACO: A Tool for Solving Bi-Criteria Optimization. In Automation and Logistics, 2007 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 787-792). IEEE.
7. Wang, S., Zheng, L.*, & Zhang, Z. H. (2007, December). Study on plan of track lines in marshalling station. In Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2007 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 852-856). IEEE.
1. Zhang, Z. H., Gemma Berenguer. Design of a subsidized reverse supply chain in the Chinese electronics industry. In: 2018 POMS Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 4–7, 2018.
2. Li, Qiaofeng, Zhang, Z. H.*. Reverse supply chain design problem in photovoltaic industry. In: 2018 POMS Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 4–7, 2018.
3. Zhang, Yanzi, Zhang, Z. H.*. A reliable location-inventory problem in a closed-loop supply chain. In: 2018 POMS Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 4–7, 2018.
4. Liu, Kanglin, Zhang, Z. H.*. Distributionally robust optimization of an emergency medical service station location problem. In: 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Oct. 22-25, 2017.
5. Zhang, Yanzi, Zhang, Z. H.*. A Joint Pricing-Location-Inventory Problem Considering Market Cannibalization. In: 2017 POMS Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, May 5–8, 2017.
6. Zhang, Z. H.*, Gemma Berenguer. Testing, Location and Inventory Decisions in the Design of Closed-Loop Supply Chains. In: 2017 POMS Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, May 5–8, 2017.