


  • 姓名:张智海

  • 办公电话: +86-10-6277-2874

  • 邮箱:zhzhang@tsinghua.edu.cn

  • 传真号码:+86-10-6279-4399

  • 地点:清华大学舜德楼中518

  • 教师主页:http://www.ie.tsinghua.edu.cn/zhzhang




博士 机械制造与自动化,清华大学精密仪器与机械学系 1997.9-2002.7

本科 机械制造与自动化,清华大学精密仪器与机械学系 1992.9-1997.7


副教授 清华大学工业工程系 2006.1-至今

访问学者 美国加州伯克利大学工业工程与运筹学系 2008.7-2009.7

访问学者 德国亚琛大学生产工程研究所 2003.10-2004.1

助理教授 清华大学工业工程系 2002.2-2005.12







1. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,71991462,智慧供应链运营与服务模式创新,2020/01-2024/12,268万元,在研,参与

2. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,9192011,数据驱动的共享单车回收网络规划与运营管理,2019/01-2021/12,20万元,在研,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71771135,回收品质量/数量不确定环境中数据驱动的闭环供应链规划与运营决策研究,2018/01-2021/12,49万元,在研,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71371106,考虑市场挤兑效应的集成闭环供应链规划与运作研究,2014/01-2017/12,55万元,已结题,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71332005,高风险复杂随机生产过程供应链系统研究,2014/01-2018/12,230万元,已结题,参加


1. Zhang, Y., Diabat Ali, Zhang, Z. H.* (2021). Reliable closed-loop supply chain design problem under facility-type-dependent probabilistic disruptions. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 146, 180-209

2. Liang, J., Wang, Y., Zhang, Z. H.*, Sun, Y. (2019). Energy efficient production planning and scheduling problem with processing technology selection. Computers & Industrial Engineering (DOI:10.1016/j.cie.2019.04.042.)

3. Li, Qiaofeng, Zhang, Z. H.*. Robust design of a reverse logistics network for photovoltaic modules with resource price uncertainties. IISE Transaction, , 51 (7), 691-708 (the Best Application Paper in the 2020 IISE Transactions Focus Issue on Design and Manufacturing)

4. Liu, Kanglin, Li, Qiaofeng, Zhang, Z. H.* (2019). Distributionally robust optimization of an emergency medical service station location and sizing problem with joint chance constraints. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 119, 79-101

5. Zhang, Z. H., Gemma Berenguer, Pan,X. (2018). Location, inventory and testing decisions in closed loop supply chains: a multimedia company. IISE Transactions, 51, 1, 41-56 (IISE Transactions 2020 Scheduling and Logistics Best Paper Honorary Mention)

6. Chaher Alzaman, Zhang, Z. H., Ali Diabat* (2018). Supply Chain Network Design with Direct and Indirect Production Costs: Hybrid Gradient and Local Search Based Heuristics. International Journal of Production Economics, 203, 203-215

7. Zhang, Yanzi, Zhang, Z. H.* (2018). Impact of cannibalization between new and remanufactured products on supply chain design and operation. IISE Transaction, 51, 1, 22-40

8. Tian, X., Zhang, Z. H.* (2018). Capacitated disassembly scheduling and pricing of returned products with price-dependent yield. Omega, 84, 160-174

9. Liu, K., Zhang, Z. H.*. (2017). Capacitated disassembly scheduling under stochastic yield and demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 269, 244-257

10. Liu, C., Wang, C., Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L.* (2017). Scheduling with job-splitting considering learning and the vital-few law. Computers & Operations Research, 90, 264-274

11. Bai, D., Tang, M., Zhang, Z. H.*, Santibanez-Gonzalez E. D. (2018). Flow shop learning effect scheduling problem with release dates. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science. 78, 21-38

12. Cheng, N.*, Zhang, Z. H., Huang, S., Zheng, L. (2017). Chinese consumer responses to carbon labeling: evidence from experimental auctions. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 4, 1-19

13. Bai, D., Liang, J., Liu, B., Tang, M., Zhang, Z. H.* (2017), Permutation flow shop scheduling problem to minimize nonlinear objective function with release dates, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 112, 336-347.

14. Bai, D., Zhang, Z. H.*, Zhang, Q., Tang, M. (2017). Open shop scheduling problem to minimize total weighted completion time. Engineering Optimization, 49, 98-112

15. Wang, C., Liu, C., Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L.* (2016). Minimizing the total completion time for parallel machine scheduling with job splitting and learning. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 97, 170-180.

16. Zhang, Z. H.*, Unnikrishnan, A. (2016). A coordinated location-inventory problem in closed-loop supply chain. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 89, 127-148.

17. Qin, H., Zhang, Z. H.*, Bai, D. (2016). Permutation flowshop group scheduling with position-based learning effect. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 92, 1-15.

18. Santibanez-Gonzalez, E. D., Sarkis, J., Dolgui, A., Koh, L., Govindan, K., Jin, M.,…& Zhang, Z. (2016). Low carbon economy and equitable society: production, supply chain, and operations management perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, (117), 7-9.

19. Bai, D. *, Zhang, Z. H., & Zhang, Q. (2016). Flexible open shop scheduling problem to minimize makespan. Computers & Operations Research, 67, 207-215.

20. Ji, X., Zhang, Z. H., Huang, S.*, & Li, L. (2016). Capacitated disassembly scheduling with parts commonality and start-up cost and its industrial application. International Journal of Production Research, 54 (4), 1225-1243.

21. Zhang, Z. H., Berenguer, G., & Shen, Z. J. (2015). A capacitated facility location model with bidirectional flows. Transportation Science, 49 (1), 114-129.

22. Movahed, K. K., & Zhang, Z. H.* (2015). Robust design of (s, S) inventory policy parameters in supply chains with demand and lead time uncertainties. International Journal of Systems Science, 46 (12), 2258-2268.

23. Zhang, Z. H.*, & Li, K. (2015). A novel probabilistic formulation for locating and sizing emergency medical service stations. Annals of Operations Research, 229 (1), 813-835.

24. Zhang, Z. H.*, Li, B. F., Qian, X., & Cai, L. N. (2014). An integrated supply chain network design problem for bidirectional flows. Expert Systems with Applications, 41 (9), 4298-4308.

25. Zhang, Z. H.*, & Bai, D. (2014). An extended study on an open-shop scheduling problem using the minimisation of the sum of quadratic completion times. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 230, 238-247.

26. Pan, T., Zhang, Z. H.*, & Cao, H. (2014). Collaborative production planning with production time windows and order splitting in make-to-order manufacturing. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 67, 1-9.

27. Bai, D.*, & Zhang, Z. H. (2014). Asymptotic optimality of shortest processing timebased algorithms for flow shop and open shop problems with nonlinear objective functions. Engineering Optimization, 46 (12), 1709-1728.

28. Chen, X., Huang, S.*, Chen, D., Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L., Grossmann, I., & Chen, S. (2014). Hierarchical Decomposition Approach for Crude Oil Scheduling: A SINOPEC Case. Interfaces, 44 (3), 269-285.

29. Zhang, Z. H.*, & Jiang, H. (2014). A robust counterpart approach to the bi-objective emergency medical service design problem. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38 (3), 1033-1040.

30. Bai, D.*, & Zhang, Z. H. (2014). On the asymptotic optimality and improved strategies of SPTB heuristic for open-shop scheduling problem. International Journal of Systems Science, 45 (8), 1657-1667.

31. Guo, M., Li, B.*, Zhang, Z. H., Wu, S., & Song, J. (2013). Efficiency evaluation for allocating community-based health services. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65 (3), 395-401.

32. Zhang, Z. H.*, Jiang, H., & Pan, X. (2012). A Lagrangian relaxation based approach for the capacitated lot sizing problem in closed-loop supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 140 (1), 249-255.

33. Zhang, C., Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L.*, & Miao, L. (2011). A decision support system for the allocation of yard cranes and blocks in container terminals. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 28 (06), 803-829.

34. Zhang, C., Zheng, L.*, Zhang, Z. H., Shi, L., & Armstrong, A. J. (2010). The allocation of berths and quay cranes by using a sub-gradient optimization technique. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 58 (1), 40-50.

35. Wang, S., Zheng, L.*, & Zhang, Z. H. (2010). Decomposition Algorithms for the Interval Scheduling Problem. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 27 (04), 517-537.

36. Zheng, L.*, Yang, X. M., Zhang, Z. H., & Liu, T. I. (2008). A web-based machining parameter selection system for life cycle cost reduction and product quality enhancement. Computers in Industry, 59 (2), 254-261.

37. Liu, S. G.*, Zheng, L., Zhang, Z. H., Li, Z. Z., & Liu, D. C. (2007). Optimization of the number and positions of fixture locators in the peripheral milling of a low-rigidity workpiece. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 33 (7-8), 668-676.

38. Liu, S. G., Zheng, L.*, Zhang, Z. H., & Wen, D. H. (2006). Optimal fixture design in peripheral milling of thin-walled workpiece. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 28 (7-8), 653-658.

39. Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L.*, Zhang, L., Li, Z., Liu, D., & Zhang, B. (2005). A study on calibration of coefficients in end milling forces model. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25 (7-8), 652-662.

40. Li, Z. Z.*, Zhang, Z. H., & Zheng, L. (2004). Feedrate optimization for variant milling process based on cutting force prediction. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 24 (7-8), 541-552.

41. Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L.*, Li, Z., Liu, D., Zhang, L., & Zhang, B. (2003). A cutting force model for a waved-edge end milling cutter. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 21 (6), 403-410.

42. Zhang, L.*, Zheng, L., Zhang, Z. H., Liu, Y., & Li, Z. Z. (2002). On cutting forces in peripheral milling of curved surfaces. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 216 (10), 1385-1398.


1. Li, W., Zhang, Z. H.*. Balancing Trade-offs between Utilization and Work-in-Process Inventory Levels in Flow Shop Production. In: CASE 2018–14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Munich, Germany, August 20–24, 2018.

2. Bai, D., Liang, J., Miao, Y., Zhang, Z. H.*. Scheduling Two-stage Flexible Flowshop with Learning Effect. In: CASE 2018–14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Munich, Germany, August 20–24, 2018.

3. H.-Y. Chiang, X. Tian, Zhang Z.-H.*. (2017, Sept).Nonlinear multi-objective programming approach to next-day electricity real-time pricing optimization. (BEST PAPER AWARD) The Second Global Conference on Theory and Applications of OR/OM for Sustainability (GCTAOS) 6-8 September, Beijing, China.

4. Chen, X., Zhang, Z. H., Huang, S. M., & Zheng, L.* (2010, October). Spatial-based decomposition approach for the crude scheduling problem of a refinery with multiple ports and long-distance pipelines. In Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM), 2010 IEEE 17Th International Conference on (pp. 808-812). IEEE.

5. Zhang, C., Zhang, Z. H., Zheng, L.*, & Cai, L. (2007, August). The Assignment of Customers in Multi-depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Fleet Size Constraint for Each Depot. In Automation and Logistics, 2007 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1897-1901). IEEE.

6. Wang, S., Zheng, L.*, & Zhang Z. H. (2007, August). Bi-ACO: A Tool for Solving Bi-Criteria Optimization. In Automation and Logistics, 2007 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 787-792). IEEE.

7. Wang, S., Zheng, L.*, & Zhang, Z. H. (2007, December). Study on plan of track lines in marshalling station. In Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2007 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 852-856). IEEE.


1. Zhang, Z. H., Gemma Berenguer. Design of a subsidized reverse supply chain in the Chinese electronics industry. In: 2018 POMS Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 4–7, 2018.

2. Li, Qiaofeng, Zhang, Z. H.*. Reverse supply chain design problem in photovoltaic industry. In: 2018 POMS Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 4–7, 2018.

3. Zhang, Yanzi, Zhang, Z. H.*. A reliable location-inventory problem in a closed-loop supply chain. In: 2018 POMS Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 4–7, 2018.

4. Liu, Kanglin, Zhang, Z. H.*. Distributionally robust optimization of an emergency medical service station location problem. In: 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Oct. 22-25, 2017.

5. Zhang, Yanzi, Zhang, Z. H.*. A Joint Pricing-Location-Inventory Problem Considering Market Cannibalization. In: 2017 POMS Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, May 5–8, 2017.

6. Zhang, Z. H.*, Gemma Berenguer. Testing, Location and Inventory Decisions in the Design of Closed-Loop Supply Chains. In: 2017 POMS Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, May 5–8, 2017.


1. Liu Kanglin, Wang M., Zhang Z. H.. "An outer approximation algorithm for capacitated disassembly scheduling problem with parts commonality and random demand" in Book: Large Scale Optimization Applied to Supply Chain & Smart Manufacturing: Theory & Real-Life Applications. ISSN: 1931-6828. Springer, 2018

2. Li Zheng, Simin Huang, Zhihai Zhang. Manufacturing Productivity in China. ISBN: 978-1-4665-9542-2. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015

3. Zhihai Zhang (Translation). Scheduling theory, algorithm and application (second edition), Tsinghua University Press, 2007



  • The Journal of Safety in Extreme Environments, section editor (2018–present)

  • IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, associate editor (2018-present)

  • Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, associate editor (2018-present)

  • Computers & Industrial Engineering, area editor (2015–present)

  • Special volume of Journal of Cleaner Production: Towards a low carbon economy and a more equitable society: production, supply chain and operations management perspectives, Co-editor (2016)


  • NSFC评审人

  • Annals of Operations Research

  • Applied Mathematical Modelling

  • Computers and Industrial Engineering

  • Central European Journal of Operations Research

  • European Journal of Operational Research

  • Expert Systems with Applications

  • European Journal of Industrial Engineering

  • IISE Transactions

  • International Journal of Production Economics

  • International Journal of Production Research

  • Journal of the Operational Research Society

  • Journal of Cleaner Production

  • Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

  • International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

  • Socio-Economic Planning Sciences

  • Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review


  • 程序委员会成员(Program Committee): 2nd Global Conference on Theory and Application of OR/OM for Sustainability (GCTAOS), Beijing, China, September 6–8, 2017.

  • 分会场主席(Chair of Session): "Closed-loop Supply Chain Design", 2017 POMS Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, May 5–8, 2017.


  • 工业工程系工程系系主任助理 2021.2-至今

  • 工业工程系工程系统研究所所长 2009-2017

  • 清华大学-麦肯锡数字化能力发展中心联系人 2012-2017

  • 工业工程系本科生生产实习指导委员会成员 2005-至今

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