


  • 姓名:黄四民

  • 办公电话: +86-10-6278-1658

  • 邮箱:huangsimin@tsinghua.edu.cn

  • 传真号码:+86-10-6279-4399

  • 地点:清华大学舜德楼南523

  • 教师主页:




中国物流学会常务理事(2006年至今)。学术期刊《IISE Transactions》副编(2005年至今),《Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research》副编(2014至今),《工业工程》编委(2010年至今)。九三学社第十四届中央委员会资源环境专门委员会委员(2018年至今)。全国人工智能计量协同创新生态伙伴联盟专家委员会主任(2020年至今)。

曾任国务院发展研究中心应急联动项目特邀研究员(2006-2007年),受邀作为咨询专家参与国家发改委高技术产业司和科技部现代服务业“十二五”规划,工信部物流信息化发展规划(2010-2015)。曾获中国科学院科学技术进步奖一等奖(1997),美国Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools博士论文奖提名(2007),“互联网新媒体新技术研究论文集”优秀论文(2008)。


  1. Yuxuan Zhang, Pingke Li, S. Alex Yang, and Simin Huang (2021). Inventory Financing under RAROC Criterion. Naval Research Logistics (Accepted).

  2. Li, Songtao; Chen, Ruoran; Yang, Lijian; Huang, Dinglong; Huang, Simin (2020). Predictive modeling of consumer color preference: Using retail data and merchandise images. Journal of Forecasting. Volume 39, Issue 8, Pages 1305-1323.

  3. Chi, Zhexiang; Lin, Jing; Chen, Ruoran; Huang, Simin (2020). Data-driven approach to study the polygonization of high-speed railway train wheel-sets using field data of China's HSR train. Measurement, vol.149, p.107022.

  4. Cai, Li, Lisha Li, Simin Huang, Liang Ma & Lijian Yang (2020). Oracally Efficient Estimation for Dense Functional Data with Holiday Effects. Test, vol.29, no.1, pp. 282–306.

  5. Chi Z, Chen R, Huang S, Li Y (2020). Multi-state system modeling and reliability assessment for group of high-speed train wheels. Reliability Engineering & Safety System. Volume 202, 107026.

  6. Chi Z, Zhou T, Huang S, Li Y (2020). A data-driven based approach for the health prognosis of high-speed train wheels. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, vol. 234, no. 6, pp. 735–747.

  7. Nan Chen, Zhi-Hai Zhang, Simin Huang & Li Zheng (2018): Chinese consumer responses to carbon labeling: evidence from experimental auctions, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Vol. 61, No. 13, 2319–2337.

  8. S Li, S Huang (2018). Multiple searchers searching for a randomly distributed immobile target on a unit network, Networks. Volume 71, Issue 1, Pages 60–80

  9. Bingxiong Lu, Xiangyuan Du, Simin Huang (2017). The economic and environmental implications of wastewater management policy in China: From the LCA perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 142, Part 4, 20, Pages 3544–3557.

  10. Lu, Bingxiong, Simin Huang, and Ignacio E. Grossmann (2017). Optimal synthesis and operation of wastewater treatment process with dynamic influent. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 56.30: 8663-8676.

  11. Ruoran Chen, Simin Huang (2017). Asymmetric Wheat Auctions with Resale and Partially Divisible Bidding Objects. Operations Research Letters. 45(6), 610-615.

  12. Huang, S, Wang, Q., Batta, R. and Nagi, R. (2015). An Integrated Model for Site Selection and Space Determination of Warehouses. Computers & Operations Research, 62, pp. 169-176.

  13. Lei Xu, Qian Wang & Simin Huang (2015). Dynamic order acceptance and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup time. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53, No. 19, 5797–5808.

  14. Chen R., Deng T., Huang S. and Qin R. (2015). Optimal Crude Oil Procurement under Fluctuating Price in an Oil Refinery, European Journal of Operational Research, 245(2), pp. 438-445.

  15. Ji, Xiaocong; Zhang, Zhihai; Huang, Simin; Li, Lefei (2015), Capacitated disassembly scheduling with parts commonality and start-up cost and its industrial application, International Journal of Production Research, 54:4, 1225-1243.

  16. Ji, Xiaocong; Huang, Simin; Grossmann, Ignacio (2015), Integrated Operational and Financial Hedging for Risk Management in Crude Oil Procurement, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54 (37), pp 9191–9201.

  17. Chen X., Huang S., Chen D., Zhang Z., Zheng L., Grossmann I., Chen S. (2014), Hierarchical decomposition approach for crude oil scheduling: a SINOPEC case, Interfaces, 44(3), pp. 269-285.

  18. Wu T., Huang S., Blackhurst J., Zhang, X., Wang S. (2013), Supply Chain Risk Management: An Agent Based Simulation to Study the Impact of Retail Stockouts, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 60(4), pp. 676-686.

  19. Wang H., Huang, S., Liu, Z. and Zheng, L. (2013), Optimal Tanker Chartering Decisions with Spot Freight Dynamics Considerations, Transportation Research E, 51, pp. 109–116.

  20. Cao, H. and Huang, S. (2012), Principles of scarce medical resource allocation in nature disaster’s relief: a simulation approach, Medical Decision Making, 32, pp.470-476.

  21. Mujawar, S, Huang, S. and Nagi, R. (2012), Scheduling to Minimize Stringer Utilization for Continuous Annealing Operations, Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, 40,pp.437–444.

  22. Lü, M., Huang, S. and Shen, Z. (2011), Product substitution and dual sourcing under random supply failures. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 45, pp. 1251-1265.

  23. Huang, S, Lü, M. and Wan, G. (2011), Integrated order selection and production scheduling under MTO strategy. International Journal of Production Research, 49, pp.4085–4101.


1. Li Zheng, Simin Huang, Zhihai Zhang (Ed.), Manufacturing Productivity in China. Taylor & Francis Inc 2016

2. 赵晓波、黄四民编著. 库存管理, 清华大学出版社, 2008。