


  • 姓名:赵晓波

  • 办公电话: +86-10-6278-4898

  • 邮箱:xbzhao@tsinghua.edu.cn

  • 传真号码:+86-10-6279-4399

  • 地点:清华大学舜德楼北504

  • 教师主页:


  • 职务工作:现任清华大学工业工程系教授,主要从事运筹学与物流管理方面的教学及科研工作

  • 通信地址:北京市海淀区清华园,清华大学工业工程系,邮编100084

  • 办公地点:清华大学舜德楼北504

  • 办公电话:+86-10-6278-4898

  • 传真号码:+86-10-6279-4399

  • 电子邮箱:xbzhao@tsinghua.edu.cn


  • 工学博士:1992年10月 – 1996年3月,日本名古屋工业大学生产系统工程系


    学位论文:Study on Optimization of Multi-product/Small-amount Manufacturing Systems

  • 工学硕士:1985年9月 – 1988年5月,武汉理工大学船舶机械工程系



  • 工学学士:1979年9月 – 1983年7月,大连铁道学院机械制造系


  • 2002年1月 – 至今:副教授、教授,清华大学工业工程系

  • 1998年4月 – 2001年12月:讲师、副教授,清华大学经济管理学院

  • 1996年4月 – 1998年3月:博士后,清华大学精密仪器与机械学系

  • 1988年5月 – 1992年9月:助教,武汉理工大学船舶机械工程系

  • 1983年8月 – 1985年8月:技术员,铁道部武汉工程机械厂机械加工车间



    • 中国运筹学会党委书记、副理事长(同时兼任行为运筹与管理分会理事长)

    • 北京运筹学会监事长

    • 杂志“Journal of the Operations Research Society of China”副主编

    • 杂志“Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research”领域主编

    • 杂志《运筹与管理》分区主编

    • 杂志《工业工程与管理》编委

    • 清华大学学术委员会委员


    • 杂志“Journal of Operations Management”副编(2004~2006)

    • 杂志“International Journal of Production Economics”特刊(行为运作管理)客座编辑(Guest Editor,2011 ~ 2012)

    • 国家自然科学基金委员会(管理科学部管理科学与管理工程)专家评审组成员(2008~2011)

    • 清华大学教授提名委员会委员 (2011~2014)

    • 清华大学工业工程系代理主任(2021~2021)

    • 中国运筹学会随机服务与运作管理分会理事长(2011~2019)


    • 国务院政府特殊津贴(2015)

    • 国家级教学成果一等奖(2014,排名第二)

    • 宝钢优秀教师奖(2011)

    • 北京市精品课程称号(课程名称:运筹学)(2008)

    • 国家杰出青年科学基金(2003)

    • 中国机械工业联合会/中国机械工程学会二等奖(2002)



    • 运筹学(应用随机模型)


    • 高级运筹学(随机过程)

    • 随机优化(随机序与马尔科夫决策过程)

    • 博士生研讨课

    • 现代库存管理理论

    • 定量分析



    • 刘佳元:工学博士,研究方向:运筹与管理

    • 陈珍珍:工学博士,研究方向:运筹与管理

    • 朱淑媛:工学博士,研究方向:行为运筹与管理

    • 李璐铫:工学博士,研究方向:行为运筹与管理

    • 王范璇:工学博士,研究方向:行为运筹与管理

    • 张逸洋:工学博士,研究方向:运筹与管理

    • 指导专业学位硕士生多名


    • 薛超:学位论文:双供应商背景下的供应链管理:基于行为的研究,2022.6.

    • 李岳:学位论文:考虑信息因素的供应链决策与绩效:基于行为的研究,2022.6.

    • 杜晓敏:学位论文:供应链中非对称信息下的两类机制设计的研究,2021.6.

    • 谢冬:学位论文:正品/非正品销售决策:基于行为的研究,2020.12.

    • 司得臻:学位论文:基于VMI的多种运作模式效果的实验研究,2018.12.

    • 赵宇坤:学位论文:基于多轮博弈的实验中的引发方法效应研究,2017.6.

    • 宋亚楠:学位论文:策略型消费者行为及其对零售商决策影响的研究,2016.12.

    • 赵英帅:学位论文:考虑信息因素的库存管理决策行为研究,2015.6.

    • 张浩:学位论文:关于状态依从排队系统的实证和最优控制策略研究,2015.6.

    • 陈叶芬:学位论文:供应链配货博弈决策行为研究,2014.6.

    • 高登:学位论文:基于延迟支付的供应链协调和超售模型研究,2012.6.

    • 陈俊霖:学位论文:基于库存和备用供应商策略供货风险管理研究,2012.6.

    • 关若曦:学位论文:基于(r,Q)库存策略的供应链优化及协调问题研究,2011.6.

    • 周筠:学位论文:面对多供应商及多类顾客需求的库存管理问题研究,2010.6.

    • 耿维:学位论文:考虑行为因素的周期性盘点库存系统运作研究,2010.6.

    • 谢金贵:学位论文:带转移多优先级排队系统研究,2009.12.

    • 裘民民:学位论文:物流分销系统的库存策略与运作模式的研究,2006.4.

    • 王建才:学位论文:物流网络环境下可重组制造及库存系统的随机模型分析,2003.9.(副导师)

    • 龚其国:学位论文:几类新型的生产系统模型研究,2002.6.(副导师)


    • 工学硕士生毕业二十余名

    • 专业学位硕士生毕业三十余名


  • 物流与供应链管理:库存理论、选址决策、供应链协调、配送管理

  • 行为运筹学与行为运作管理:行为库存管理、行为博弈

  • 生产系统与管理:混流组装线、柔性制造系统、JIT管理、可重组制造

  • 排队系统:排队网络、优先级排队


  • 2018年1月 – 2020年12月,国家自然科学基金(国际(地区)合作与交流项目)(中德)




  • 2013年1月 – 2017年12月,国家自然科学基金(重点国际合作项目)




  • 2011年1月 – 2014年12月,国家自然科学基金(重点项目)




  • 2009年1月 – 2011年12月,国家自然科学基金(面上项目)




  • 2004年1月 – 2007年12月,国家自然科学基金(国家杰出青年科学基金项目)




  • 2000年1月 – 2002年12月,国家自然科学基金(面上项目)






  1. Xue, C., Wu, Y., Zhu, W. and Zhao, X., Chen, J. Mitigating behavioral supply risk under dual sourcing: Evidence from an order allocation game. Production and Operations Management, accepted.

  2. Liang, D., Xie, J., Zhu, W. and Zhao, X., Cooperative advertising in social networks with positive externalities. Naval Research Logistics, accepted.

  3. Zhao, X., Si, D., Zhu, W., Xie, J. and Shen, Z-J. Behaviors and performance improvement in a vendor-managed inventory program: An experimental study. Production and Operations Management, 2019, Vol.28, P.1818-1836.

  4. Song, Y., Zhao, X., Zhu, W. and Chen, Y. Decision biases of strategic customers with private product-value information: An experimental study. Production and Operations Management, 2019, Vol.28, P.1305-1319.

  5. Zhao, X., Zhou, Y. and Xie, J. An inventory system with quasi-hyperbolic discounting rate. IISE Transactions, 2017, Vol.49, P.593-602.

  6. Zhao, Y., Zhao, X., Wang, L., Chen, Y. and Zhang, X. Does elicitation method matter? Behavioral and neuroimaging evidence from capacity allocation game. Production and Operations Management, 2016, Vol.25, P.919-934.

  7. Zhong, F., Xie, J., Zhao, X. and Shen, Z-J. On efficiency of multi-stage channel with bargaining over wholesale prices. Naval Research Logistics, 2016, Vol.63, P.449-459.

  8. Chen, Y. and Zhao, X. Decision bias in capacity allocation games with uncertain demand. Production and Operations Management, 2015, Vol.24, P.634–646.

  9. Chen, Y., Su, X. and Zhao, X. Modeling bounded rationality in capacity allocation games with the quantal response equilibrium. Management Science, 2012, Vol.58, P.1952–1962.

  10. He, Q-M., Xie, J. and Zhao, X. Priority queue with customer upgrades. Naval Research Logistics, 2012, Vol.59, P.362–375.

  11. Zhao, X., Fan, F., Liu, X. and Xie, J. Storage-space capacitated inventory system with (r, Q) policies. Operations Research, 2007, Vol.55, P.854-865.

  12. Zhao, X., Liu, J., Ohno, K. and Kotani, S. Modeling and analysis of a mixed-model assembly line with stochastic operation times. Naval Research Logistics, 2007, Vol.54, P.681-691.

  13. Liu, J. and Zhao, X. On average reward semi-Markov decision processes with a general multichain structure. Mathematics of Operations Research, 2004, Vol.29, P.339-352.

  14. Zhao, X., Ohno, K. and Lau, H-S. A balancing problem for mixed model assembly lines with a paced moving conveyor. Naval Research Logistics, 2004, Vol.51, P.446-464.

  15. Zhao, X., Ohno, K. and Nakade, K. An optimal cart moving policy for a flexible manufacturing system. IIE Transactions, 2002, Vol.34, P.41-50.

  16. Zhao, X., Gong, Q. and Nakashima, K. Analysis of a production system in a general configuration. Naval Research Logistics, 2001, Vol.48, P.128-143.

  17. Zhao, X. and Ohno, K. Modeling for flexible manufacturing systems with an FMS blocking mechanism and a BDSM job routing. IIE Transactions, 1999, Vol.31, P.957-963.


  1. Zhu, S., Zhao, X., Zhu, W.* and Xie, J. Ex-ante versus ex-post buyback pricing: An experimental study. Journal of the Operational Research Society, accepted.

  2. Li, Y., Zhao, X.*, Xie, J. and Zhu, W. Inequality aversion in cooperative advertising in supply chain: An experimental study. International Journal of Production Research, accepted.

  3. Xie, D., Zhu, W.*, Zhao, X. and Xie., J. An experimental study on the sale of counterfeit products under monitoring policies. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2021, Vol.72, P.93-108.

  4. Zhang, H., He, Q-M.* and Zhao, X. Balancing herding and congestion in service systems: A queueing perspective. INFOR, 2020, Vol.58, P.511-536.

  5. Chen, Y., Zhao, X., Zhu, W. and Xie, J. How precious are scarce products? An experimental study on a turn-and-earn allocation mechanism. Decision Sciences, 2019, Vol.50, P.1031-1059.

  6. Li, Y., Chen, Y., Shou, B. and Zhao, X. Oligopolistic quantity competition with bounded rationality and social comparison. International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, Vol.211, P.180–196.

  7. Zhao, Y. and Zhao, X. On elicitation-method effect in game experiments: A competing newsvendor perspective. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2018, Vol.69, P.541–555.

  8. Chen, J., Zhao, X. and Gao, D. Loss-averse decision analysis in overbooking. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics, 2018, Vol.5, P.227–238.

  9. Zhao, Y., Zhao, X. and Shen, Z-J. The hot-versus-cold effect in a punishment game: a multi-round experimental study. Annals of Operations Research, 2018, Vol.268, P.333–355.

  10. Song, Y. and Zhao, X. A newsvendor problem with boundedly rational strategic customers. International Journal of Production Research, 2017, Vol.55, P.228-243.

  11. Shen, Y., Zhao, X.* and Xie, J. Revisiting prospect theory and the newsvendor problem. Operations Research Letters, 2017, Vol.45, P.647-651.

  12. Zhao, Y. and Zhao, X. and Shen, Z-J. On learning process of a newsvendor with censored demand information. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2016, Vol.67, P.1200-1211.

  13. Song, Y. and Zhao, X. Strategic customer behavior facing possible stockout: An experimental study. International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, Vol.180, P.57-67.

  14. Zhao, Y. and Zhao, X. How a competing environment influences newsvendor ordering decisions. International Journal of Production Research, 2016, Vol.54, P.204-214.

  15. Li, T., Xie, J., Zhao, X. and Tang, J. On supplier encroachment with retailer's fairness concerns. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016, Vol.98, P.499-512.

  16. Chen, J., Zhao, X. and Shen, Z-J. Risk mitigation benefit from backup suppliers in the presence of the horizontal fairness concern. Decision Science, 2015, Vol.46, P.663–696.

  17. Li, T., Xie, J. and Zhao, X. Supplier encroachment in competitive supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, 2015, Vol.165, P.120–131.

  18. Li, T., Zhao, X. and Xie, J. Inventory management for dual sales channels with inventory-level-dependent demand. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2015, Vol.66, P.488–499.

  19. Zhao, Y. and Zhao, X. On human decision behavior in multi-echelon inventory management. International Journal of Production Economics, 2015, Vol.161, P.116–128.

  20. Zhao, X. and Geng, W. A note on "Prospect theory and the newsvendor problem". Journal of Operations Research Society of China, 2015, Vol.3, P.89–94.

  21. Zhong, F., Xie, J. and Zhao, X. The price of fairness with the extended Perles-Maschler solution. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 2014, Vol.80, P.193-212.

  22. Gao, D., Zhao, X. and Geng, W. A delay-in-payment contract for Pareto improvement of a supply chain with stochastic demand. Omega, 2014, Vol.49, P.60–68.

  23. Chen, J., Zhao, X. and Zhou, Y. A periodic-review inventory system with a capacitated backup supplier for mitigating supply disruptions. European Journal of Operational Research, 2012, Vol.219, P.312–323.

  24. Zhao, X., Qiu, M., Xie, J. and He, Q-M. Computing (r, Q) policy for an inventory system with limited sharable resource. Computers & Operations Research, 2012, Vol.39, P.2368–2379.

  25. Geng, W., Liu, J. and Zhao, X. Error analysis of an approximate optimal policy for an inventory system with stochastic and continuous demands. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2012, Vol.29, DOI: 10.1142/S021759591250039X.