1.A study on calibration of coefficients in end milling forces model,Zhang, Zhihai; Zheng, Li; Zhang, Lei; Li, Zhizhong; Liu, Dacheng; Zhang, Bopeng,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v 25, n 7-8, April, 2005, p 652-662
2.Prediction of cutting forces in end milling of pockets, Zhang, Lei; Zheng, Li Source: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v 25, n 3-4, February, 2005, p 281-287
3.On the prediction of chip flow angle in non-free oblique machining,Wen, D.H.; Zheng, L.; Li, Z.Z.; Hu, R.S. Source: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, v 218, n 10, October, 2004, p 1267-1278
4.Prediction of cutting forces in milling of circular corner profiles, Zhang, Lei (Sch. of Mech. Sci. and Engineering, Nanling Campus, Jilin University); Zheng, Li Source: International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, v 44, n 2-3, February, 2004, p 225-235
5.An improved chip flow model considering cutting geometry variations based on the equivalent cutting edge method, Wen, D.H. (Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University); Zheng, L.; Li, Z.Z.; Hu, R.S. Source: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, v 217, n 12, 2003, p 1737-1745
6.A solid model-based milling process simulation and optimization system integrated with CAD/CAM,Li ZZ, Zheng M, Zheng L, Wu ZJ, Liu DC, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY ,138: 513-517 Sp. Iss. SI JUL 20 2003
7.An investigation of cutting forces in horizontal-mode peripheral milling of curved surfaces,Zhang L, Zheng L, Zhang ZH,PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE,217 (7): 961-976 2003
8.A cutting force model for a waved-edge end milling cutter,Zhang Z, Zheng L, Li Z, Liu D, Zhang L, Zhang B,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,21 (6): 391-396 2003
9.On cutting forces in peripheral milling of curved surfaces,Zhang L, Zheng L, Zhang ZH, Liu Y, Li ZZ,PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE,216 (10): 1385-1398 2002
10.On the removal of material along a polishing path by fixed abrasives,Zhang L, Tam HY, Yuan CM, Chen YP, Zhou ZD, Zheng L,PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE,216 (9): 1217-1225 2002
11.E-DREAM: A web-based platform for virtual agile manufacturing,Tang DB, Zheng L, Chin KS, Li ZZ, Liang YL, Jiang XJ, Hu CJ,CONCURRENT ENGINEERING-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS,10 (2): 165-183 JUN 2002
12.STEP-based Product Modeling for Concurrent Stamping Part and Die Development, Dunbing Tang, Li Zheng, Zhizhong Li, Computers in Industry, 2001.8, Vol. 46, Iss. 1; pg. 75
13.An intelligent feature-based design for stamping system, Dunbing Tang, Li Zheng, Zhizhong Li, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2001 Volume 18, Issue 3, pp 193-200
14.Re-engineering the design process for concurrent engineering, Dunbing Tang, Li Zheng, Zhizhong Li, et al.,Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2000,38(4), 479-491
15.End Milling System Compliance and Machining Error, Machining Science and Technology, Liang, Steven; Zheng, Li, Vol.2,No.1, 1998
16.Analysis of End Milling Surface Error Considering Tool Compliance, Liang, Steven; Zheng, Li, Transaction of ASME, J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.120, No.1, 1998
17.Gerneralized Model of Milling Forces, Zheng, LI; Liang, Steven, Int. J. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.14, No.3, 1998
18.Angle Domain Analytical Model for End Milling Forces, Zheng, LI; Liang, Steven, Transaction of ASME, J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.120,No.2, 1998
19.Identification of Cutter Tilt in End Milling, Zheng, LI; Liang, Steven, Transaction of ASME, J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,Vol.119,No.2,1997
20.Three Dimensional Cutting Force Analysis in End Milling, Zheng, LI; Liang, Steven, International Journal of Mechanical Science,1996/5,Vol38, No.5
1.The Yard-Controller Decision Making Support System in Technical Station based on Agent, ZD HE; L. ZHENG; ZH ZHANG; SD WANG; SC LIU, Railway Transport and Economy,2006.3
2.Design and Implementation of Agent-based Holonic Control System, P. ZHAO; L. ZHENG; DC LIU, MX PANG, Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool, 2006-02
3.Ant colony optimization for the single machine early or tardy problem with distinct ready times, Y. SONG; ZH ZHANG; L. ZHENG, Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2005.11
4.EDM system design for Collaborative Design AmongEnterprises, XQ Yu, ZH Zhang, L. Zheng, CJ Hu, Computer Engineering and Application, 2005.10
5.Design in Large-scaled Logistics Networks Based on Combinatorial Genetic Algorithm, Q. TIAN; LX MIAO; L. ZHENG; ES QI, Logistics Technology, 2005.6
6.Remote Video Signal Process by using the effectiveness of monitoring information, CIMS, 2005.3
7.Process Based Performance Matrix for Manufacturing Industries, JR Zhu, DC LIU, W. Dong, L. Zheng, CIMS, 2005.3
8.Extracting Geometry Features in Ball End Milling Process Simulation, Y. Liu, ZZ Li, ZH Zhang, L. Zheng, Journal of Tsinghua Univesity, 2005.2
9.A Reliability Evaluation Method Based on failure date and statistics, YH Yang, ZZ Li, L. Zheng, Journal of System simulation, 2004.12
10.Design Methodology for Logistics Network by Using GA, Q. Tian, LX Miao, L. Zheng, Journal of Tsinghua University, 2004.11
11.Optimizing the Production Plan in Semiconductor Manufacturing, Q. Li, DC Liu, HZ Wang, L. Zheng, Manufacturing Technology and Machine Tool, 2004.11
12.Situation on Grid Research and Its Application in Manufacturing, B Yan, BQ Huang, L Zheng, TY Xiao, CIMS 2004.09
13.Analytical model to predict milling forces for arc curved surfaces, ZH Zhang, L. Zheng, L. Zhang, ZZ Li, Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2004.08
14.LP-based capacity planning in semiconductor manufacturing, Q LI; DC LIU; L. ZHENG; T. ZHANG, Semiconductor Technology, 2004.07
15.Research on Spares Management System with Simulation, YH Yan, JM Zhao, ZZ Li, L. Zheng, Acta Simulata Systematica Sinica, 2004.05
16.Solution framework for the large scale vehicle delivery/collection problem, ZW QU; LN CAI; C. LI; L. ZHENG, Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2004.5
17.A Study on a Integrated Framework of Information Modeling and Re-engineering for Design Process, CJ Hu, L. Zheng, ZZ Li, DB Tang, BP Zhang, China Mechanical Engineering, v 14, n 20, 2003.10
18.Wavelet-based fast modification of the free form surface of a soldier's helmet, Zhou, Hong; Li, Zhizhong; Jing, Yue; Liu, Hong; Zheng, Li; Huang, Xiancong; Bao, Yuanhui; Chen, Xiao, Journal of Tsinghua University, v 43, n 8, August, 2003
19.Industrial Engineering in the New Millennium, G. SALVENDY, L. ZHENG, XB ZHAO, Industrial Engineering and Management, 2002.03
20.A Web Based Agile Turning Parameter Planning System, XM Yang, L. Zheng, ZH ZhangXL Han, BP Zhang, China Mechanical Engineering, Vol.12, No.6, 2001.3
21.A Raference Framework for Concurrent Engineering, DunbingTang, Li Zheng, Zhizhong Li, Dacheng Liu, Hign Technology Letters, 2001, vol.7, No.1, pp.47-50
22.Virtual Machining Process: Concept, Method And Its Application, L. Zheng, DC Liu, ZZ Li, BP Zhang, CHINA MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 1999.09
1.Zhang Lei, Zheng Li, Zhang Zhihai. Numerical model for cutting forces in peripheral milling of curved surfaces. Proceedings of IE&EM’2002 & IceCE’2002, Sept.19-21, 2002, Beijing, China.
2.Gao Benhe, Zheng Li,et al. A Research to the Stress Model of the Non-completely Chip-breaking in Vibration Drilling. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, July, 2002, Printed by DUT Printing House, Dalian, China: 263~269.
3.Gao Benhe, Liu Dacheng, et al. Management Research and apply of the Quality Assurance System in CIM Environment, Proceedings of IE&EM'2002 and IceCE'2002, September, 2002, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China.
4.Zhao Daquan, Zheng Li, Liu Dacheng: The Application of Fuzzy Cluster Analysis in Identification of Characteristic Temperature in Machine Tool (RID: 265), Proceedings of IE&EM' 2002 and IceCE' 2002
5.Niansong ZHANG, Dacheng LIU,Li ZHENG, Bopeng ZHANG. Resource Recycling Strategy of the Household Refrigerators. Proceedings of IE&EM 2002, Sept. 19-21, 2002, Beijing, China.RID108.
6.Liu Shaogang, Zheng Li, Liu Dacheng, Li Zhizhong. Fixture Selection under Fuzzy Environment. Proceedings of IE&EM 2002, Sept. 19-21, 2002, Beijing, China.
7.Liu Shaogang, Zheng Li, Zhang Zhihai. A Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision-making Approach for Supplier Selection. Proceedings of IE&EM 2002, Sept. 19-21, 2002, Beijing, China.
8.Hu Changjian, Li Zhizhong , Zheng Li, Zhang Bopeng. A Virtual Clustering Mechanism for Agent, Proceeding of IE&EM'2002 and IceEM'2002. Sept. 19-21, 2002, Beijing, China.
9.Yin Liu, Li Zheng,The research on the extraction method of cutting engagement in ball-end milling simulation(Rid 264), Proceeding of IE&EM'2002 and IceEM'2002. Sept. 19-21, 2002, Beijing, China. pp175
10.Pan Chunfeng, Liu Dacheng, Lu Jun, Cheng Lihui, Zheng Li. An Application of Web-based Remote Monitor System. Proceedings of IE&EM’2002 & IceCE’2002, Sept.19-21, 2002, Beijing, China
11.Li Zhizhong, Zheng Li, Tang Dunbing, Hu Changjian, Liu Dacheng, Li Litao. Interoperable Software Component of a Rule-Based Inference Engine for Product Development Decisions. 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Nov. 20-22, 2000, Shanghai
12.Li Zheng, Dunbing Tang, Zhizhong Li, “Web-based Technologies Enabling Agile Manufacturing”, International conference on eCommerce Engineering: New Challenges for Global Manufacturing in the 21st century (ICECE’21), Xi’an, Sept. 2001
13.ZHAO Daquan, LIU Dacheng, ZHENG Li, LI Zhizhong, ZHANG Bopeng, XIANG Weihong. Determining thermal restraints exactly in analysis of thermal deformations of machine tool. Proceedings of the Ninth International Manufacturing Conference in China. August 16-17, 2000. Hong Kong. P.R.C.
14.Yanbo LIU, Dacheng LIU, Li Zheng, Ruying Pang. Automatic meters reading system of PSTN-based telecommunication. Proceedings of ICeCE 2001.2001 International Conference on eCommerce Engineering: New Challenges for Global Manufacturing in the 21st Century. RID04-30.Sept.16-18, 2001. Xi'an, P.R.China.
15.Pang Ruying, Liu Dacheng, Zheng Li. The construction of Web-based electronic product catalogs system. Proceedings of ICeCE 2001.2001 International Conference on eCommerce Engineering: New Challenges for Global Manufacturing in the 21st Century. RID04-28.Sept.16-18, 2001. Xi'an, P.R.China.
16.LI Zhizhong, ZHENG Min, ZHENG Li, WU Zhijun, LIU Dacheng. A Solid Model-Based Milling Process Simulation and Optimization System Integrated with CAD/CAM. Proc. Of IMCC'2000. 2000. HongKong.
1.Introduction to Standardization, CT LI ed. Chapter 16: Standardization and Mass customizations (in Chinese), 2005, People’s University Press
2.Li Zheng et al (Ed), "Strategic Production Network", Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany 2002
3.Li Zheng, DC Liu, ZZ Li, Virtual Manufacturing in Handbook of Modern Instrument, Science Press (in Chinese), 2003
4.BP Zhang, Li Zheng, et al, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Post Press(in Chinese), 2003
5.Li Zheng, Ken Chen, BP Zhang, Manufacturing System, Tsinghua University Press(in Chinese), 2001
1. 学术期刊任职
Editorial Board, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (2006-present)
Editorial Board, International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services (2006-present)
Editorial Board, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (2005 - present)
Editorial Board, International Journal of Electronic Business Management (2005-present)
Associate Editor, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (2005-present)
Editorial Board, International Journal of integrated Computer Aided Engineering (2004-present)
Co-Editor in Chief, Industrial Engineering and Management (in Chinese) (2003-present)
2. 学术会议任职
Vice Chairmen of Scientific & Technical Committee in 2004, 2005, 2006, member of Scientific & Technical Committee in 2003, chairmen of Organization Committee in 2003, International conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management
Member of Programming committee in 2006, 2004, 2002, 2000, International Conference on frontier of Design and Manufacturing
Member of Intrenational academic Committee, International conference on Agile Manufacturing (2003)
Invited keynote speaker at the workshop on Smart Business Network (Netherland, 2006)
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General Chair, 2005 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (China, 2005)
Chair, The symposium on "Olympic Logistics: Learning from the Past and Planning for the Future" (China, 2005)
3. 学术组织兼职
Member, the Institute of Industrial Engineering
Founding Chair, China Chapter, IIE (2004-2005)
Fellow of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering (2004-2006)
Fellow of Chinese Society of Production Engineering, CSME (2003-2006)