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姓名:饶培伦 办公电话: 010-6277-6664 邮箱:rpl@tsinghua.edu.cn 传真号码:010-6279-4399 地点:清华大学舜德楼南525 教师主页:


现任International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction,Universal Access in the Information Society期刊编委,《人类工效学》编委会副主任、中国心理学会工程心理专业委员会委员、中国技术经济学会神经经济管理专业委员会副主任委员。曾任Safety Science和The International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology副主编,Human Factors: the journal of the human factors and ergonomics society期刊编委。



1. 2023 人因与工效学学会Hal W. Hendrick杰出国际同仁奖

2. 2020 中国联通冬梦大使创意挑战赛 铜奖,智慧工坊全场大奖(2022北京冬奥会无障碍服务设计策划,入选< 联合国2020智慧冬奥与可持续发展白皮书>)
3. 2019 《设计的人因与文化》 清华大学校级慕课国际影响力奖
4. 2019  “Becoming My 70s 遇见70岁”,凤凰网行动者联盟2019公益盛典“最具网络人气公益创意”
5. 2017 《设计的人因与文化》 教育部“2017年国家精品在线开放课程”, MOOCr Awards 铜奖
6. 2014  清华大学教学成果奖二等奖
7. 2011  国家自然基金杰出青年
8. 2009  北京市精品课程
9. 2008  英国人类工效学会 主席奖章
10. 2006  清华大学教学优秀成果奖    




2019至今 清华大学全球创新学院GIX,副院长
2017-2019 清华大学-北卡罗来纳大学MEM+MBA双学位硕士项目,中心主任
2006至今 清华大学工业工程系,教授
2007-2014 清华大学工业工程系人因与工效学研究所,所长
2002-2005 清华大学工业工程系,副教授
2013 韩国延世大学,兼职教授
2012-2017 美国北卡罗来纳大学,兼职教授
2005 德国亚琛大学,访问教授
2004 微软中国研究院,访问学者
1999-2002 台湾中原大学资讯管理学系,助理教授
1998-1999 台湾世新大学资讯管理学系,助理教授    


工效学 - Ergonomics
人因学 - Human Factors
人机交互 - Human-Computer Interaction
领导与沟通 - Leadership and Communication
用户体验设计 - User Interface Design    


• 人机交互 Human-Computer Interaction
• 用户体验 User Experience
• 跨文化设计 Cross-Cultural Design
• 老年人设计 Design for Older People
• 驾驶安全 Driving Safety
• 移动运算 Mobile Computing
• 科技接受 Technology Acceptance
• 游戏研究 Game Study












华为 裸眼3D显示用户效果感知评估

荣耀 手机动效流畅性研究;光环境对视觉舒适的影响研究;耳机佩戴舒适性研究

日立 中老年健康科技产品可持续使用研究;智能养老解决方案市场需求研究

HTC Vive 虚拟现实对儿童创造力/养老服务影响研究 

码隆科技 人工智能应用设计与评估研究 

华为 触觉人因工程/智能手机用户热体验/游戏触屏操控指标 

美国利宝互助集团 中美警告标志设计与危险认知差异 

宝洁 香味特性与消费者情绪研究 

美国联合技术公司 人与智能建筑的交互、家用智能温控器的交互 

宝马 车载地图用户心智模型研究 

大众 汽车跨文化HMI设计 

西门子 智能交通相关应用的使用情景和商业模型设计 

波音 机舱人因研究与行李箱概念设计测试 

欧盟第七框架项目 可及化服务整合与标准化的开放式架构研究 

中国标准化研究院 基于仿真实验的消费品安全危险源辨识研究 

NTT 设计支持高龄使用者的门户网站用户界面的设计准则架构 


国铁集团 杭州西站旅客高铁出行体验研究


SAP 文化差异与用户界面设计 

诺基亚 中文字体可读性的研究 

合川科技 虚拟现实眼镜人因测评研究 

北京地铁 乘客满意度调查分析 

中国石化 人力资源和培训管理能力模型





1. Lai, X., Lee, Y.-C., Hong, X., & Rau, P. L. P. (2024). Watch your step: A pilot study of smartphone use effect on young females’ gait performance while walking up and down stairs and escalators. Applied Ergonomics, 114, 104130.

2. 饶培伦, & 雷心. (2023). 人机服务接触体验的影响因素. 包装工程, 44(12), 77-88.

3. Yang, M., & Rau, P. L. P. (2023). Trust building with artificial intelligence: Comparing with human in investment behaviour, emotional arousal and neuro activities. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 1–22.

4. Huang, H., & Rau, P. L. P.(2023). How to Provide Feedback? The Role of Robot’s Language and Feedback Framework. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1–17.

5. Liu, Y., Chen, N., & Rau, P. L. P. (2023). The effects of motivation and noise on situation awareness: A study based on SAGAT and EEG. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 97, 103491.

6. Yuan, T., Rau, P. L. P., Zhao, J., & Zheng, J. (2023). Colour–Touch Cross-Modal Correspondence and Its Impact on Single-Modal Judgement in Multimodal Perception. Multisensory Research, 36, 1–25.

7. Zhou, X., Rau, P. L. P., & Jie, Z. (2023). Stickiness formation among mobile apps of different social levels: Multigroup analysis using the cognitive–affective–conative framework. Information Technology & People.

8. Lei, X., & Rau, P. L. P. (2023). Effects of Task Structure and Attribution Target on Responsibility Attributions in Human–Robot Interaction. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 176, 103038. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2023.103038

9. Zhou, X., & Rau, P. L. P. (2023). Interruption Value Type and Source Matter in Different Phases of an Interruption Process: Emotional/Cognitive Impact and Neural Evidence. Human Factors, 00187208221150353.

10. Fan, Y.T., Yang, M., & Rau, P. L. P. (2023). Acceptance and Preference of Chinese Meals with Boba: Influence of Meal Characteristics and the Consumer’s Personal Experience. International Journal of Affective Engineering, 22(2), 177–184.

11. Lei, X., & Rau, P. L. P. (2023). Emotional responses to performance feedback in an educational game during cooperation and competition with a robot: Evidence from fNIRS. Computers in Human Behavior, 138, 107496.

12. Zhou, X., & Rau, P.-L. P. (2023). Digital interruptions permeating work-nonwork boundaries: Effect of interruption values on knowledge workers’ emotional experiences. Current Psychology, 42(18), 15658–15673.

13. Lei, X., Chen, H. H., Rau, P. L. P., Dong, L., & Liu, X. (2022). Learning in virtual reality: Effects of instruction type and emotional arousal on learning performance. Learning and Motivation, 80, 101846.

14. Chen, P. H., & Rau, P.-L. (2022). Using EEG to investigate the influence of boredom on prospective memory in top-down and bottom-up processing mechanisms for intelligent interaction. Ergonomics, 66, 1–48.

15. Zhang, A., & Rau, P. L. P. (2022). Tools or peers? Impacts of anthropomorphism level and social role on emotional attachment and disclosure tendency towards intelligent agents. Computers in Human Behavior, 138, 107415.

16. Zhu, D., Lai, X., & Rau, P. L. P. (2022). Recognition and analysis of kawaii style for fashion clothing through deep learning. Human-Intelligent Systems Integration, 4(1), 11-22.

17. Lei, X., Tsai, Y. L., & Rau, P. L. P. (2022). Harnessing the Visual Salience Effect With Augmented Reality to Enhance Relevant Information and to Impair Distracting Information. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-14.

18. Zhang, A., & Rau, P. L. P. (2022). She is My Confidante! The Impacts of Social Responsiveness and Video Modality on Self-disclosure Toward CG-Based Anthropomorphic Agents in a Smart Home. International Journal of Social Robotics, 14(7), 1673-1686.

19. Wang, B., Rau, P. L. P., Yuan, T. (2022). Measuring user competence in using artificial intelligence: validity and reliability of artificial intelligence literacy scale. Behavior &

20. Chen, P. H., Rau, P. L. P. (2022). Alpha oscillations in parietal and parietooccipital explaining how boredom matters prospective memory. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16:789031.

21. Sun, X., Chen, P. H., Rau, P. L. P. (2022). Do Congruent Auditory Stimuli Facilitate Visual Search in Dynamic Environments? An Experimental Study Based on Multisensory Interaction, Multisensory Research, 35(5), 391-405.

22. Qie, N., & Rau, P. L. P. (2022). Design of Cross-Cultural Communication Supporting System: The Appropriate Level to Provide Cultural Information. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 38(5), 406-418.

23. Liu, Y., Gao, Q., & Rau, P. L. P. (2022). Chinese passengers’ security perceptions of ride-hailing services: An integrated approach combining general and situational perspectives. Travel Behaviour and Society, 26, 250-269.

24. Huang, H., Chen, Y., & Rau, P.-L. (2022). Exploring acceptance of intelligent tutoring system with pedagogical agent among high school students. Universal Access in the Information Society, 21.

25. Li, Z., & Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Talking with an IoT-CA: Effects of the Use of Internet of Things Conversational Agents on Face-to-Face Conversations. Interacting with Computers, 33(3), 238-249.

26. Lei, X., Rau, P. L. P., & Huang, H. (2021). Regional differences in the effect of interpersonal relationship on trust and trustworthiness in China. PsyCh Journal, 10(6), 878-888.

27. Huang, H., Liu, L., Fu, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Tsai, Y., ... & Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Information System to Enhance Road Safety Level for Pedestrians in China. Mobile Information Systems, 2021.

28. Lai, X., & Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Has facial recognition technology been misused? A public perception model of facial recognition scenarios. Computers in Human Behavior, 124, 106894.

29. Lei, X., & Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Effect of Robot Tutor’s Feedback Valence and Attributional Style on Learners. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13(7), 1579-1597.

30. Huang, H., Rau, P. L. P., & Ma, L. (2021). Will you listen to a robot? Effects of robot ability, task complexity, and risk on human decision-making. Advanced Robotics, 35(19), 1156-1166.

31. Lei, X., & Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Effect of relative status on responsibility attributions in human–robot collaboration: Mediating role of sense of responsibility and moderating role of power distance orientation. Computers in Human Behavior, 122, 106820.

32. Urakami, J., Qie, N., Kang, X., & Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Cultural adaptation of “kawaii” in short mobile video applications: How the perception of “kawaii” is shaped by the cultural background of the viewer and the gender of the performer. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 4, 100109.

33. Ji, X., Huang, H., Li, Z., Guo, Z., & Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Comparing interventions to reduce boredom in a low mental workload environment. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 1-7.

34. Rau, P. L. P., Zheng, J., & Guo, Z. (2021). Immersive reading in virtual and augmented reality environment. Information and Learning Sciences, Vol. 122 No. 7/8, pp. 464-479.

35. Zhou, X., Rau, P. L. P., Yang, C. L., & Zhou, X. (2021). Cognitive behavioral therapy-based short-term abstinence intervention for problematic social media use: Improved well-being and underlying mechanisms. Psychiatric Quarterly, 92(2), 761-779.

36. Lei, X., & Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Should I Blame the human or the robot? Attribution within a human–robot group. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13(2), 363-377.

37. Liu, M., Liao, P. C., Wang, X. Y., Li, S., & Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Influence of semantic cues on hazard-inspection performance: A case in construction safety. International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics, 27(1), 14-28.

38. Chen, P. H., Liu, X., Dong, L., & Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Prevalence of musculoskeletal discomfort among female cabin crew in Taiwan. Journal of Occupational Health, 63(1), e12286.


1. Guo, P., Rau, P. L. P., Yu, D., Gao, Y., Ng, C. R., Yu, X., Lin, X., & Kinoshita, M. (2023). A study on the continuous usage factors of perceived ease of use, social influence, and performance expectancy for elderly people. In Gao, Q., Zhou, J., Duffy, V. G., Antona, M., Stephanidis, C.(Eds.)HCI International 2023 – Late Breaking Papers.HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14055. Springer, Cham.

2. Lee, P. H., Chen, P. H., Yu, D., Rau, P. L. P. (2023). Analysis of Perceived Preferences and National Images for Chinese TV Dramas in Southeast Asia. In: Rau, P.L.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14024. Springer, Cham.

3. Qie, N., Kang, X., Rau, P. L. P. (2023). SeeCC: An Online Cross-Cultural Communication Aid to Improve Communication and Cooperation Performance. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14023. Springer, Cham.

4. Huang, H., Rau, P. L. P. (2023). Effects of Robot’s Language and Attribute Framing on People’s Risky Behavior. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14023. Springer, Cham.

5. Lo, I. C., Lai, X., Rau, P. L.P. (2023). Exploring the Influence of Social Interaction Characteristics on Advertising Attitudes Toward Online Video Platform Users. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14022. Springer, Cham.

6. Yuan, T., Wang, Z., Rau, P. L. P. (2023). Design of Intelligent Real-Time Feedback System in Online Classroom. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14024. Springer, Cham.

7. Wang, HC., Guo, Z., Rau, P. L.P. (2023). The Shorter Takeover Request Time the Better? Car-Driver Handover Control in Highly Automated Vehicles. In: Duffy, V.G., Landry, S.J., Lee, J.D., Stanton, N. (eds) Human-Automation Interaction. Automation,Collaboration, & E-Services, vol 11. Springer, Cham.

8. Yin, J., Dai, Q., Wang, X., Xie, S., Kang, X., Rau, PL.P. (2022). Servants, Friends, or Parents? the Impact of Different Social Roles in the Social Web of Things on User Experience. In: Meiselwitz, G., et al. HCI International 2022 - Late Breaking Papers. Interaction in New Media, Learning and Games. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13517. Springer, Cham.

9. Yin, J., Dai, Q., Wang, X., Xie, S., Kang, X., Rau, P. L.P. (2022). Servants, Friends, or Parents? the Impact of Different Social Roles in the Social Web of Things on User Experience. In: Meiselwitz, G., et al. HCI International 2022 - Late Breaking Papers. Interaction in New Media, Learning and Games. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13517. Springer, Cham.

10. Chen, PH., Rau, P. L. P. (2022). Lyricism and Implicit Emotional Expression of Chinese Popular Music During 2001–2017. In: Rau, P. L.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Learning, Arts, Cultural Heritage, Creative Industries, and Virtual Reality. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13312. Springer, Cham.

11. Cheng, C., Rau, P. L. P., Guo, Z. (2022). Effects of Field Dependency and Map Type on Wayfinding Strategies. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Interaction Design Across Cultures. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13311. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06038-0_23

12. Rau, P. L. P., Akbbrian, H., Zheng, J. (2022). Cultural Differences Between Iranian and Chinese in Visual Search Repetition Effect. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Interaction Design Across Cultures. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13311. Springer, Cham.

13. Yu, D., Wang, C., Widagdo, R.P., Lai, X., Rau, P. L.P. (2022). Effects of Age, Motivation, and Hindrance Factors on Douyin Usage. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Interaction Design Across Cultures. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13311. Springer, Cham.

14. Chen, Z., Rau, P. L. P., Kamenezkaja, J., Qie, N., Zhong, R. (2022). How Does It Feel? Odor-Evoked Emotion Among Chinese People. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Interaction Design Across Cultures. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13311. Springer, Cham.

15. Lai, X., Zhao, J., Dong, L., Li, B., Rau, P. L. P. (2022). Investigation on the Spatio-Temporal Mobility and Smartphone Usage of College Students. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Product and Service Design, Mobility and Automotive Design, Cities, Urban Areas, and Intelligent Environments Design. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13314. Springer, Cham.

16. Chen, R., Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Deep Learning Model for Humor Recognition of Different Cultures. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Experience and Product Design Across Cultures. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12771. Springer, Cham.

17. Chiocchia, I., Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Facial Feature Recognition System Development for Enhancing Customer Experience in Cosmetics. In: Rau, P. L.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Experience and Product Design Across Cultures. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12771. Springer, Cham.

18. Ji, X., Zhao, J., Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Manage Your Agents: An Automatic Tool for Classification of Voice Intelligent Agents. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Autonomous Vehicles, and Intelligent Agents. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12773. Springer, Cham.

19. Mehler, J., Guo, Z., Zhang, A., Rau, P. L. P. (2021). Quick Buttons on Map-Based Human Machine Interface in Vehicles is Better or Not: A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study Between Chinese and Germans. In: Rauterberg, M. (eds) Culture and Computing. Design Thinking and Cultural Computing. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12795. Springer, Cham.

20. Gong, Y., Wang, B., Rau, P. L. P. (2020). PIKAR: A Pixel-Level Image Kansei Analysis and Recognition System Based on Deep Learning for User-Centered Product Design. In: Rau, P.L. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. User Experience of Products,Services, and Intelligent Environments. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12192. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49788-0_5

21. Rau, P.L.P., Guo, Z., Zhong, R., Kim, S. (2020). Chinese Pain Descriptors Used by Medical Personnel: A Case Study in Beijing. In: Rau, P.L. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Health, Learning, Communication, and Creativity. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12193. Springer, Cham.

22. Zheng, J., Rau, P. L. P., Zhao, J. (2020). Quantification of Natural Multimodal Interaction Capacity. In: Rau, PL. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. User Experience of Products, Services, and Intelligent Environments. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12192. Springer, Cham.

23. Chen, P. H., Rau, P. L. P. (2020). Evaluating Trust, Trustworthiness and Bullwhip Effect: A Three-Echelon Supply Chain Interactive Experiment. In: Rau, P.L. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. User Experience of Products, Services, and Intelligent Environments. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12192. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49788-0_33


GB/T 39108-2020,消费品安全 危害识别 情景模拟法[S].北京:中国标准出版社,2020.



1. Rau P.L.P., Guo Z., Qie N., Lei X., & Zhang A. (2020) The Cognitive Bias in Cross-Cultural Design. In: Vanderheiden E., Mayer CH. (eds) Mistakes, Errors and Failures across Cultures. Springer, Cham.

2. Qie, N., Ohkura, M., & Rau, P.L. P. (2019). Kawaii Perception of Artifacts Between Chinese and Japanese Cultures, Kawaii Engineering, Springer.

3. 董建明、傅利民、饶培伦、Salvendy, G. (2016)「人机交互:以用户为中心的设计与评估」,北京:清华大学出版社,第五版。

4. 董建明、傅利民、饶培伦、Salvendy, G. (2013)「人机交互:以用户为中心的设计与评估」,北京:清华大学出版社,第四版。

5. Rau, P.L.P., Plocher, T., & Choong, Y.Y.(2012), Cross-Cultural Design for IT Products and Services ,CRC Press

6. 饶培伦,人因工程:基础与实践,北京,人民大学出版社,340千字,2013

7. 董建明、傅利民、饶培伦、Salvendy, G. (2010)「人机交互:以用户为中心的设计与评估」,北京:清华大学出版社,第三版。

8. Rau, P.L. P. & Leaman, T. (2009) Ergonomics in China. In Patricia Ann Scott (Ed.) Ergonomics in Developing Regions: Needs and Applications. Taylor and Francis.

9. Marcus, A. & Rau, P.L. P. (2009). International and Intercultural User Interfaces, In Stephanidis, C. (Ed.). The Universal Access Handbook, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

10. 董建明、傅利民、饶培伦、Salvendy, G. (2007)「人机交互:以用户为中心的设计与评估」,北京:清华大学出版社,第二版。

11. Rau, P.L.P. (2006). Some Ergonomics Standards in Ancient China, In Karwowski, W. (Ed.) Handbook of Standards and Guidelines in Ergonomics and Human Factors, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

12. Choong, Y.Y., Plocher T., and Rau, P.L.P. (2004). Cross-cultural Web Design. In Proctor, R. (Ed.) The Handbook of Human Factors in Web Design, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


· Editorial Board, International Journal of Affective Engineering (2018-present)

· Editorial Board, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (2005 - present)

· Editorial Board, Universal Access in Information Society (2007 - present)

· Editorial Board, International Journal of Mobile Communication (2009 - present)

· Associate Editor, The International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology (AUSMT) (2011 - 2012)

· Associate Editor, Safety Science (2004 - 2011)

· Editorial Board, Human Factors (2009-2010)

· Editorial Board, Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science (2002 - 2008)

· Editorial Board, Journal of Ergonomics Study (Taiwan) (2004)



· Program Board, ISASE 2021 – the 7th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering, Japan. (2021)

· Program Board, HCI International 2020, the 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Copenhagen, Denmark. (2020)

· Program Chair, the 12th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design (CCD2020), Copenhagen, Denmark. (2020)

· Program Board, ISASE 2020 – the 6th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering, Japan. (2020)

· Program Chair, the 11th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design (ICCD2019), Orlando, FL, USA. (2019)

· Program Board, HCI International 2019, the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Orlando, FL, USA. (2019)

· Program Board, AHFE 2018, the 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, FL, USA. (2018)

· Program Chair, the 10th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design (ICCD2018), Las Vegas, NV, USA. (2018)

· Program Board, HCI International 2018, the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, NV, USA. (2018)

· Program Board, AHFE 2017, the 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Los Angeles, CA, USA. (2017)

· Program Chair, the 9th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design (ICCD2017), Vancouver, Canada. (2017)

· Program Board, HCI International 2017, the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Vancouver, Canada. (2017)

· Program Board, SEANES 2016, the 4th SEANES International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics in South-East Asia, Indonesia. (2016)

· Program Board, AHFE 2016, the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, FL, USA. (2016)

· Program Chair, the 8th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design (ICCD2016), Toronto, Canada. (2016)

· Program Board, HCI International 2016, the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Toronto, Canada. (2016)

· Program Board, AHFE 2015, the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Las Vegas, NV, USA. (2015)

· Program Chair, the 7th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design (ICCD2015), Los Angeles, CA, USA. (2015)

· Program Board, HCI International 2015, the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Los Angeles, CA, USA. (2015)

· Program Committee, the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2015), Seoul Korea. (2015)


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