[Time] 15:10-16:40, Nov. 22(Friday)
[Venue] Room 412 of Shunde building
[Speaker] Dr. Mujtaba Hassan Agha
[Host] Dr. Wei ZHANG
[Title] Logistics Perspective on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
Logistic networks play a significant role in the economic development of any country. An appropriate logistic network not only reduces transportation cost, but it also serves as an infrastructural enabler for further economic development. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is part of the “Belt and Road Initiative” and Chinese government has pledged $62 Billion dollars for CPEC infrastructure and allied activities such as energy projects.
CPEC is considered by many in Pakistan as a “game changer” which potentially can make Pakistan a hub of supply chain activity. However, all the planning and associated activities have been done only at strategic level. There is a serious deficiency of decision making and planning at both the tactical level and operational level. This seminar presents some quantitative analysis of CPEC logistics network from an operational perspective, in which both socioeconomic and logistic aspects are considered. While the emphasis will be on road network, need for development of intermodal transportation modes such as rail and inland water ways will be also be discussed. In the end, the prospects and challenges faced in the CPEC logistics network from a supply chain perspective will be addressed.
Dr. Mujtaba Hassan Agha is Professor and Head of Department Operations and Supply Chain at NUST Business School. He did his PhD in Industrial Engineering from Institute National Polytechnique Toulouse (INPT), University of Toulouse (France). Dr. Mujtaba Hassan Agha is a Certified Supply Chain Professional with ASCM (Association for Supply Chain Mangers) USA. His teaching and research areas of interest are Production & Logistics Systems, Supply Chain Management and Energy Management.