
Dr. Jacqueline Urakami, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), Dr. Jacqueline Urakami, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), 10:00-11:00, September 19th, 2019 (Thursday), Room N510, Shunde building


[Time] 10:00-11:00, September 19th, 2019 (Thursday)

[Venue] Room N510, Shunde building

[Speaker] Dr. Jacqueline Urakami, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)

[Host] Dr. Pei-Luen Patrick Rau 

[Title] Technology and Culture: How culture shapes the perception, design and use of technology 

[Abstract] Technology has become an integral part of human life. We don’t just use technology; we coexist with technology. As such, technology is the product of a specific culture reflecting the values, world view, way of thinking and communication patterns of this culture. Therefore, the slogan “think globally, act locally” is gaining more and more supporter. Many organizations are beginning to understand that they have to address the needs of a culturally diverse user base. Products and services have to appeal to people with a certain cultural background. This seminar explores the relationship between Technology and culture. It will be discussed how the natural environment and specific cultural factors have motivated and inspired the development of technology and specific products using Japan as an example. Furthermore, research projects from Affective Laboratory in Tokyo Tech are presented, which have investigated the relationship between culture-specific communication patterns, ways of thinking, perception and decision making and the use of technology. In reflection of these research, problems and difficulties in applying existing theories of culture in cross-cultural research will be discussed.

[Bio] Dr. Jacqueline Urakami is currently an assistant professor at Affective Lab, in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Economics, School o Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. She has been doing research in multiple institutions in different cultures. She received her doctor degree in psychology in Cehmnitz University of Technology (Germany). She has been working as research assistant at Dresden University of Technology (Germany), as assistant professor at Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany), as post-doctoral fellow at Keio University (Japan), as visiting researcher at Keio University (Japan), and as part time lecturer at Tsukuba University (Japan), Tama University (Japan) and Keio University (Japan). She has a rich experience in cross-cultural research and human-computer interaction.

All interested are welcome!