
Dr. Yigal Gerchak, How Should a Principal Reward and Support Agents when Firm's Performance is Characterized by Success or Failure, 14:00-15:00, October 10th , 2019, Room 510, North Shunde Building


[Time] 14:00-15:00, October 10th , 2019
[Venue] Room 510, North Shunde Building
[Speaker] Dr. Yigal Gerchak
[Host] Dr. Wanshan Zhu
[Title] How Should a Principal Reward and Support Agents when Firm's Performance is Characterized by Success or Failure
[Abstract] In many settings, a Principal who employs multiple parallel agents, like in R&D projects, needs that just one of them will be successful.  Yet the Principal has to reward all successful agents. Agents can exert low or high effort, according to their incentives. The Principal can also support agents to increase their probability of success.
[Bio] Yigal Gerchak is a Professor Emeritus of Industrial Engineering at Teal-Aviv University, where he was teaching for almost 20 years. Prior to that he taught at the University of Waterloo's Management Sciences department. He has 130 refereed journal articles. His current main research interests are in stochastic operations management, decision analysis, principal agent models, partnerships and auctions.

All interested are welcome!