Dr. Rebecca Chang, Taiwan University of Science and Technology, From An Assembly Line Worker to C Suite-My Career Journey to the Top, 14:00-15:00, November 29th, 2018, Thursday, Room N510, Shunde building 2018.11.27

[Time] 14:00-15:00, November 29th, 2018, Thursday
[Venue] Room N510, Shunde building
[Speaker] Dr. Rebecca Chang, Taiwan University of Science and Technology
[Host] Dr. Pei-Luen Rau
[Title] From An Assembly Line Worker to C Suite-My Career Journey to the Top
[Abstract] Dr. Rebecca Chang started her first job as an assembly line worker at a TV factory and worked her way up to C-Level at public listed companies in two decades. Her first-hand experiences may shed light on the inner workings of multi-sided platform business model as demonstrated by Microsoft and Google. Later on, she was inspired by the sustainability visions of the founder of Delta and hence joined forces to help the OEM-based manufacturing company transform to a solution-based company.  Last but not the least, she would like to share how she managed her life and career to make difficult trade-offs in order to make the right decisions.
[Bio] Dr. Rebecca Chang got her Ph.D. from the Management School of Taiwan University of Science and Technology and currently is an Adjunct Professor there. Her research interest is in aging well with ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). She has published research papers in top-tier human-computer interface, medical informatics, and sociology. She obtained her Master’s Degree of Business Administration from Stanford. She has had a successful career for over two decades at world leading companies in media and technology sectors (Google, Microsoft, Palm, etc.), serving roles in strategy, innovation, transformation and marketing. Her last post prior to her PhD pursuit is being the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) for Delta Electronics, which is the first Taiwan-based public listed company that got included in Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
All interested are welcome!

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