Qingpei Hu·Study on Software Reliability Modeling and Analysis ·1月18日下午·舜德楼北510 2007.01.08

报告人:Qingpei Hu, Ph.D. Candidate in Industrial Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore  
报告题目:Study on Software Reliability Modeling and Analysis    
时间:1月18日(星期四)下午2: 30 – 4: 00  


With this talk, two issues in software reliability modeling will be investigated. Firstly, we will study a basic modeling problem of software reliability, extending traditional reliability models through relaxing some specific restrictive assumptions. Traditional software reliability models assume immediate fault correction. However, practical software testing process is composed of three sub-processes: fault detection, fault correction and fault introduction. Extended software reliability modeling approaches are proposed through combining both FDP (fault detection process) and FCP (fault correction process). Our extensions are developed with both traditional NHPP (Non-homogeneous Poisson Process) and ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) models. Secondly, early reliability prediction problem is also studied with both NHPP and ANN models. With few data collected in the early phase, traditional software reliability models cannot provide accurate predictions. So do our extended models. However, early predictions are critical information for the management to make timely and cost-effective decisions. Our study follows the intuitive approach of incorporating historical failure data from other similar projects into the frameworks of current models. Different approaches are proposed to incorporate the data collected from previous similar projects/releases. Also, related research topics will be discussed for further investigation.

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