Freshman Parents Meeting Held by IE Department 2014.09.01

On the afternoon of August 28th, the Parents Meeting of 2014 freshmen was held by IE Department at the conference hall. Prof. Zhizhong Li, Chairperson of Department Council, Prof. Kaibo Wang, Vice Chairperson of Department Council, Prof. Wei Zhang, Vice Head of the Department, Prof. Chen Wang, the Class Adviser, Liuxing Cao, the Class tutor as well as over 40 parents of the freshmen attended the meeting. 

Prof. Kaibo Wang hosted the meeting and gave the parents a warm welcome. Prof. Zhizhong Li introduced the features of the industrial engineering discipline as well as the general situation and development history of the department. He said that the industrial engineering was a “unique, comprehensive and interesting” discipline, and hoped that all students pay attention to all around development.

Prof. Chen Wang explained matters that needed parents’ attention and coordination during the cultivation of students. She hoped that the parents could listen to their doubt and pressure and let them independently arrange their own study and life based on balancing of independence and protection. She wished that the students were able to stand the test and make achievement in academic and life during the four-year study in the department. 

With vivid examples, Prof. Wei Zhang described the physical and physiological change that the students might experience. He hoped that the parents could communicate with them with the aid of scientific method and means, so as to help them grow up healthily.  

 Prof. Kaibo Wang gave a brief introduction of the work of student affairs and hoped that the parents could play a role of caregiver, supporter and communicator, who would concern about their study, encourage their personal development, care about their psychological health and cultivate their ability to fight with frustration. He also introduced the Life Mentor Plan of the department, which made the utmost of the resources of professors and alumni to guide the students to develop comprehensively and grow up happily.   

After the meeting, the parents visited the labs of the department.

Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University
Phone: 010-62772989
Address:Shunde Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084

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