China Model Factory: Learning by Doing 2013.03.28

This is a factory with products, equipment, workers, and assembly lines. This is a theater too with props, scripts, actors, and stories. This is also a classroom having teachers, students, and knowledge with all sorts of issues and solutions. Most importantly, this is a place where students mature during practice. This "China Model Factory" jointly established by Tsinghua University and McKinsey & Company was officially opened September 2012 in the Department of Industrial Engineering (IE).

This so-called "Model Factory" is a reality learning platform based on business and operations management established by McKinsey & Company in many countries and regions in Europe, North America, and Asia. Globally this model factory network system provides dozens of operations management training cases to more than 35,000 people annually. This "China Model Factory," also known as "China Center for Operations Excellence," is the eighth of its kind in the world, the second in Asia, and the first in the world operated under the concepts of "minimal" and "energy efficiency."

The success of the factory comes from full collaboration between IE and McKinsey. Together with examples of similar factories worldwide and various advices from experts of different fields provided by McKinsey, the professors of Tsinghua are able to carry out a training program that includes their own years of experience in handling cutting-edge technologies, equipment acquisition, assembly line designs, lecture notes compilations, and others to meet the needs for the Chinese industry and students. As a result, this factory is equipped with machine production lines, discrete assembly lines, and continuous production lines that reflect the traits of the industry's labor-intensive, capital-intensive, continuous production, and the concepts of "minimal and energy efficient." It is suitable for reality simulations in studying the production and logistics management in vehicle and auto parts, equipment manufacturing, aerospace, basic materials, electronic production to textile, and the food industry, covering up to 240 lecture hours of various topics and hands-on experience with knowledge to meet the demands of different students and workers

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Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University
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