Dr. Chia-fen Chi. Icons for Automobiles (Dr. Chia-fen Chi ,10:00am~11:30am, September 19, 2016, Monday) Room 510, Shunde Building 2016.09.19

【Time】10:00am~11:30am, September 19, 2016 (Monday) 

【Venue】Room 510, Shunde Building 

【Title】 Icons for Automobiles

【Speaker】Dr. Chia-fen Chi

【Host】Dr. Ruifeng Yu  

【Abstract】 The research classified 82 vehicle icons into seven categories (image-related, concept-related, semi-abstract, arbitrary, abbreviation, word, and combined) for their matching accuracy, matching sequence, and matching time. These data can be compared and used as a framework for future icon development. Forty participants, all with a university degree, took part in this experiment. Half of the participants had intensive driving experience, while the other half never driven a car. The results indicated that on average, word icons had a significantly greater matching accuracy than the other icon formats; ranging from 4.7 to 20.8% difference. Regarding the matching sequence, participants matched image-related icons before other icon formats. Arbitrary and combined icons took significantly longer to match than other icon formats by 1.4e6.2 s. Based on the high matching accuracy (86.3%) and high ratings on subjective design features, word format can be used for functions describable using simple English for users with English reading ability. Confusion matrices showed that 63.2% of the misunderstandings were caused by similarity in format or function.

【Bio】Dr. Chia-fen Chi is a chair professor in the Department of Industrial Management, "National Taiwan University of Science & Technology". She received her Ph.D. degree in Human Factors in Industrial Engineering from State University of New York at Buffalo. Her research interest is accident analysis and prevention, visual performance, aging and disabled workers, safety management, job analysis and job accommodation and human-machine interface.


All interested are welcome! 

Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University
Phone: 010-62772989
Address:Shunde Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084

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